Anyway, Rick, you’re 65, you have limited mobility, if you want to get your metabolism up to lose weight, I would say, if there’s anything you can do to maximize even the little bit of mobility that you have, it’s building muscle that really helps the metabolism out,...
 So let me be clear: I’m not suggesting that you do anything like hire a prostitute or cheat on your wife or girlfriend to figure this out. What I am saying is that it’s good that you’re recognizing attractions that you’re having. ...
Second season is an insult to the ones watched first season The story is incompatible with the first part. A big waste of good characters. As a final season, the most illogical thing was to bring another character resolution to the series such as Elif. Everything is happening out of blue...
Soap Opera Unlike most of the other reviewers, I'm not Turkish or anything like that (whatever that means) and have nothing for or against Turkish TV shows. I watched the first episode on a friend's recommendation. For me it was over-acting, slow-moving, a ton of crying and faces aga...
I’m sorry for looking at you hard, it’s not that you’re gorgeous or anything. Can you forgive me? Do you think you can maintain eye contact longer than me? Did you get your shirt custom-fitted or was it dumb luck that it looks so good on you?
You binge-watch your favorite series, potter around the house and garden, and generally take it easy. Perhaps you spend some time traveling the country or going on an overseas holiday. But then it hits home. This is your new life.
I’d been invited to attend the ceremony, but a prior commitment kept me away. Which is maybe just as well, since I find the whole thing pretty depressing. Seems more like a funeral than anything to celebrate. The 747 was Boeing’s greatest achievement — indeed it was one of the gre...
Or just settling in with a good series to binge when the mood takes me! BorrowMyDoggy is great if you like dogs. Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Bookmark Lcb123 · 30/09/2022 20:27 I’m married (no kids) and LOVE a solo weekend: parkrun, coffee, papers or magazine, whatever...
82. What should a girl wear to bed – if anything? 83. What do you wear to bed? 84. Which girl do you think would give the best BJ? 85. What’s your favourite thing about the opposite sex? 86. What’s the worst thing about being your gender?
62. Is there anything that you don’t like about me? 63. Do you think first impressions tend to be accurate? 64. What was your first impression of me? Has it changed? 65. What are people’s first impressions of you? Are they accurate? 66. What is the first thing you observe in ...