现在打开OpenAI官网,你可以“Ask ChatGPT anything” 原OpenAI官网首页 此外,原来的版式也完全进行了重构,将Ask ChatGPT anything和Research,OpenAI for Business,Sora三个板块并列 用户可以直接在输入框输入自己想要了解的内容,点击箭头开始跳转 跳转显示url:chat.openai.com/? 明显可以看到在结尾增加了Query的参数?q=...
Ask me anything. It's the long form of an AMA and one of the most popular forms of interactive discourse on Reddit. It's also a major challenge, as Microsoft's Bing AI chatbot, a.k.a. "new Bing" is quickly learning. Anytime a celebrity or notable signs up to do a Reddit AMA,...
Microsoft Bing is Launching an AI Image Generator for Image Search: eAskme Microsoft Bing is Launching an AI Image Generator for Image Search: Microsoft Bing is bringing an AI image generator to let users create digital art with text. This new feature will help youif you cannot find a suita...
Pretty Agile was super excited to have Scaled Agile's Chief Product Officer, Inbar Oren, join the SAFe Australia Online Meetup for an Ask Me Anything session on the day of the SAFe 6.0 launch. Inbar started with a quick overview of the changes to SAFe, and then we opened the floor for ...
Undoubtedly, part of the reason for bringing the matter up was the almost instant controversy surrounding Bing AI, Microsoft’s integration of its AI engine into Bing and Edge, especially its apparently threatening behavior toward a reporter. What does “responsible AI” mean? Read the full story...
"Scribble Talk" Scribble Talk Teaching - Episode 28 - AI Powered Bidder - AI Tools, Hacks & Ask Me Anything (AMA) June - Bing in ChatGPT, Google's Bard Wonders, ForeFront & Ora AI Spotlight, Top Sales Tools, UK's AI Summit, and 45 New Bootcamps & Worksho
"You're very welcome! I'm happy to help you with anything you need," the Bing AI said, after Alba thanked it for its alacrity. This resulted in Bing recommending some follow-up questions, and from them Alba selected "How do you feel about being a search engine?" "I'm sorry but I...
Microsoft has put some new constraints on its AI-powered Bing Chat tool to stop humans confusing the model with too many prompts. There are incidents reported where Bing Chat has started off with friendly chat, but this has given way to bizarre conversations and arguments: Microsoft...
So a user must find out which AI chatbot tool is better. In 2023, we will see more and more chatbots in the market daily. ChatGPT vs. Google Bard vs. Bing Chat AI, What are the Differences: eAskme In this storm of Chatbots, it takes work for a user to find and settle on the...
人们担心通过饮水,包括共同进餐和使用未经消毒的餐具等途径传染,主要是担心唾液有传播艾滋病病毒的作用。事实上,在全球所有资料中尚未发现一例是因为接吻而感染艾滋病病毒的。 美国科学家在研究唾液时发现,唾液中有一种蛋白质在试管中可以有效地抑制艾滋病病毒感染人体免疫细胞。据称,这种保护作用可以持续长达4个星期。