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P163163. Italian Listening Comprehension - At a Restaurant in Italy 01:32 P164164. Learn Italian Holidays - Republic Day - Festa della Repubblica 03:41 P165165. Italian Listening Comprehension - Calling the Italian Doctor's Office 01:27 P166166. Learn Italian Holidays - Woman's Day - Festa...
Dr. Ramezani will do her best to respond to your questions quickly and privately. Please feel free to review our Popular Questions section to see if a similar question has already been answered.Ask Your Question Name * Email * Phone Message * Submit Popular Questions Q: What should I ...
Are there any accessible apps to ask doctors questions for free? I’d like to ask a minor question, just out of curiosity, and all the apps I’ve tried so far have some critical inaccessibility issue. Thanks. Options Log inorregisterto post comments ...
All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. You should always speak with your doctor before you follow anything that you read on this website. Any health question as...
Ask A Doctor - 24x7 - Book online doctor visit & get instant doctor consultation.18000+ Doctors from 80+ specialities available on Web & App.Get Health tips free
P165165. Italian Listening Comprehension - Calling the Italian Doctor's Office 01:27 P166166. Learn Italian Holidays - Woman's Day - Festa della Donna 03:05 P167167. Italian Listening Comprehension - Reading an Italian Journal 01:37 P168168. Italian Listening Comprehension - Looking At a Photo...