While a federal job is different from a commercial one, there are still rules and many of the most important ones cross over. This is why the federal government is being sued six ways from Sunday by employees and unions, and it’s why you should gather legal evidence against your employer...
Chat with any PDF using our AI tool. Ask your PDF documents questions, extract key insights, and avoid information overload—all for free, without registration, on any device. You can also upload multiple documents and chat with scanned PDFs. ...
Subaerial landslides and volcano flank collapses can generate tsunamis with devastating consequences. The lack of comprehensive models incorporating both the landslide and the wave mechanics represents a gap in providing consistent predictions of real ev
The Foxit company is, of course, a business. Offering Foxit Reader for free is an incentive for you to visit their site, become familiar with their products and hopefully purchase some of the other products they offer that are not free. The choice, of course, is yours, but I’m discussi...
It has been a humbling experience and the greatest pleasure for me is to receive emails or to read reviews on Amazon, from traders who have finally found success after struggling for years. This is why I always reply to every email and every question – it does take me some time, but ...
The stepper tool makes it so you can step through the drawing commands one at a time and hopefully find where a possible issue is coming from. It is also useful for learning how a PDF is structured and the order of its operations. To walk through the drawing commands first add a break...
Pundit: It will probably not pass congress initially. Certain Democrats will be given permission to vote ‘no’ for political reasons, so they can say they did later. Chuck Schumer will likely be one of them. The president will veto it, and there will not be enough votes to override it....
I can’t find it anywhere in New Jersey. Thanks. Thanks for asking. This is a problem. Something like 125K Guides are printed and shipped to outlets across the country. But moving this amount of physical paper around is inefficient. And given the size of our country and the many ...
A. First of all, just because a practice is not recommended doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t get away with it some of the time and thereby be lulled into a false sense of security. (This is one of the lesser-known of Murphy’s Laws). Some ADCs are less sensitive to external no...
It is placed in C:\Users\[USER]\Videos\Captures and given a file name based on the application window title. That will usually be the name of your game, the title of a webpage, or the file name of an open document, depending on what you capture. You can obviously edit the name ...