Psychic Source’s Psychic Network Those who have encountered issues with their relationships with their parents, have a disconnect with siblings, can’t get through to their children, or generally want a forecast of the family’s future can ask Psychic Source’s readers for a free psychic readin...
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Publishing any book requires an enormous investment of time and psychic energy by an editor. The process takes months and sometimes years. If you make that kind of commitment to a book you’re not really passionate about, it becomes a total grind and you often end up hating yourself for it...
My question is this, and I hope I am asking in such a way as to really express my question, what is the Reform movement’s position on merkabah literature? Thank you Loading... Reply rabbiadar says: June 8, 2014 at 4:26 pm Richard, thank you for reading and following! I will...
If you have a question that has NOTalready been addressed, you mayAsk Mss Didi*. Remember your manners… I’m a Domme, not your mom. More of Mss Didi*s Words of Wisdom Being a Lifestyle Dominant for Her entire life, Mss Didi* has explored various aspects of the BDSM and D/s Scen...
Draw and interpret your Tarot Cards for free The online-oracle is a modern extension of the mysteries of divination. It is conveniently available at all times for those who seek its uncanny powers of discernment– or have run out of friends to text when they have an important question about...
Hmm. Just a thought. 2FA by SMS creates metadata where there previously where no metadata. Eavedropping on a mobile phone these days is extremely easy. You don’t even have to get your hands on the phone in question. I’m beginning to wonder if we are lured in to an extremely effectiv...
DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: This isn’t a question about dating, so much as about mastering basic social interactions. As a 30M, I’m embarrassed I’ve never learned how to do this, but I don’t know how to make friends. I seem to be especially bad at making friends of the opposite sex....
47. If you could pick a day to relive over and over again, what day would it be and why? 48. If you could ask one question and be guaranteed complete honesty, what would you ask? 49. How dare you? 50. If you were a kitchen appliance, which one would you be and why? Funny Q...