QuestionDoctors is a medical question and answer platform. It's a place to ask questions and share medical knowledge.
If you have a question for the good doctor you can comment below OR send an email to Music: Sugar Blues (Pubic Domain) Share This Post! Because Sharing Really is Caring! Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in ...
I’ll fill out a form for HR, but I don’t talk to imaginary interviewers on camera. I find that insulting. I leave the rest up to you.”
“How do I overcome the obvious problems with Personal Character Quests,” is a bit like saying to a doctor, “I’d like to infect myself with irritable bowel syndrome; can you tell me how to manage the symptoms so I can live an almost normal life?” But this isn’t really about th...
DEAR DEATH METAL HEAD: Here’s a question for you, DMH: do you want to be dating someone who is going to see your taste in music as a disqualifier? My second question for you is: if you take away the loaded imagery of some death metal (some folks are always going to see corpse...
Law student Grayson Martin brought that question front and center to the r/cats subreddit after she caught her eight-month-old cat Trevor hopping into herfridge. "Any advice on how to stop my cat from hopping in the fridge every time I open it??" Martin wrote in her Reddit inquiry, on...
certain we haven’t had a we beginning ever to a show. Let’s go. Hello Darlings. And now it’s time. Your favorite part of the show, our Stacking Benjamins headlines. Well, here’s a tale. This is a question we’re gonna go to the inside. ...
I googled and sent in an image of my condition to reddit, but neither gave me sound advice. After using this app I got the right recommendation from a licensed doctor and it was completely anonymous. more RenardRusé , 09/02/2015 Great app Send in pictures of your worrisome spots ...
Tendering a resignation usually elicits this question: “Where are you going to work next?” It may seem as innocent as HR’s request that you sit for an“exit interview”and explain yourself. But you owe no one any explanations, or information about your future. ...
The thermometer does not reflect her running a fever. This is obviously something as Ceza mentioned it to the doctor. She explained that this happens when the auto-immune system is compromised. I have tried to Google it but without too much success. I will ask the doctor tomorrow morning. ...