It was very dramatic and a really excellent printing job—unfortunately not done by me, but I used it to illustrate certain printing principles to customers. I had pointed it out to a customer and he was bobbing his head all around looking at the poster...
That was a collaboration between myself, Bermuda and a bunch of lawyer folk.Eskimo Joe of Dalhart, TX asks: I would like to ask you a personal question. Are you flat-footed?Not completely, but a bit more than average.Linda Shah of Vienna, VA asks: Dear Al, since you’re a “This...
Thank you for your quick reply but unfortunately we own a condo town home that we are not allowed to rent because of our condo bylaws ,If we sold we would have approx, $500.000 Canadian and $4000 per month pension that is why we chose Thailand as we believe we could have a good reti...
In February, 2012, Canadian CBC TV invited me to Toronto to review hidden-camera footage about a career scam. Executives at a career counseling company called Toronto Pathways — also known as Job Success — were caught on camerapromising jobs to clientsin exchange for thousands of dollars in ...
I'm about to become a lawyer, where can I get a good base of knowledge about feminism? Can you help explain feminism to a Chinese girl? What is "Third Wave" feminism? "The only good feminist is a radical feminist?" What is "masculinism"?
Become aPatron of Ask Leo!and go ad-free! Internet scams Well to answer the question in the middle – yes, I’ve heard of scams like this for quite some time. They’re really nothing all that new. The phone calls in particular are a fairly common way over the past couple of years...