OZO is a C++17 Boost.Asio based header-only library for asyncronous communication with PostgreSQL DBMS. - yandex/ozo
一个socks server(含socks client)的实现,header only 实现,可轻松嵌入基于asio的项目使用. - avplayer/socks_server
Amy is a C++11 compliant header-onlyAsynchronousMySQL client library based onAsio. It enables you to work with MySQL in both asynchronous and blocking ways. Amy had been tested using Clang++ 3.8 under Ubuntu 16.04, FreeBSD 11.0, and Mac OS X 10.10. It should also works under other similar...
Header only c++ network library, based on asio,support tcp,udp,http,websocket,rpc,ssl,icmp,serial_port.header only,不依赖boost库,不需要单独编译,在工程的Include目录中添加asio2路径,在源码中#include <asio2/asio2.hpp>即可使用; 支持tcp, udp, http, websocket, rpc, ssl, icmp, serial_port; ...