第三步:管理员打开vs的x64 command prompt,输入命令(易错点:第一路径一定要用双引号,不然命令识别错误,第二在lib11库的目录下输入命令): nmake /f Makefile.mak OPENSSL_DIR="C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64"BUILD_FOR=WIN64 最后得到编译结果,会在src目录下生成pkcs11.dll,以及libp11.dll: 3.2 SoftHSM库...
大家都知道,在Windows10中安装kx3552驱动时,有两个关键环节,那就是在安装时兼容Windows7模式和“以管理员身份运行”,但就是缺少了最后的关键一步,那就是在安装完毕后,把“C:\Program Files\kX Project”目录下所有.exe文件都在兼容性设为所有用户的兼容Windows7模式,这样重启后,在启动项中启动的kxmixer是64位了...
5.卸载最新的Windows安全更新 此问题也是由 Microsoft 为某些 ASUS 笔记本电脑型号的 Insider Preview 和零售版本发布的错误 Windows 安全更新引起的。 如果在您的操作系统安装安全更新后“无法打开 AsIO3.sys”错误开始出现,卸载它应该可以解决您的问题。 请按照以下步骤删除最新的 Windows 更新: 重要提示:您可以按照...
That's what I was looking for! (When you have bought two Emagic soundcards right before Apple swollowed that company and hence axed all Windows-drivers, when you have bought a Lenovo laptop and Nvidia stopped updating the Windows-drivers only 19 months later, then you will stop buying ...
Adjust for daylight savings automatically is disabled ADK for Windows 10 Setup Error: "Setup cannot locate Toolkit Documentation-x86_en-us.msi " Administrator rights needed when running Task Manager After inserting registry key DefaultUserName and DefaultPassword, windows 10 cannot auto logon. error ...
cryptocodeopened this issueMay 27, 2018· 1 comment cryptocodecommentedMay 27, 2018 The April update of Windows 10 includes AF_UNIX (domain sockets) support, and asio should support it. BOOST_ASIO_HAS_LOCAL_SOCKETS would thus be true on recent Windows 10 hosts. ...
1. Driver is now WHQL (HLK) Certified for Windows 10 1607, 1809, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022. Driver will load and operate normally with Secure Boot enabled. It is possible to check the version of Windows with ...
This is a script/executable with files necessary to fix ASIO Link Pro on Windows 10 x64/x86. It includes: -The necessary patches to have the software registered, so you don't get audio cuts from time to time. (pre-patched out of convenience) (Credits to G.A. Collective for doing the...
This driver is an ASIO driver for Windows. This driver is for only THR-II series(THR30II Wireless, THR10II Wireless, THR10II, THR30IIA Wireless). System Requirements OS: Windows 11/10 HDD: Free disk space of 10MB or more * This driver is not compatible with ARM-based Windows ...
For more information, please visit Microsoft's websitehere. Saturn Interfaces will require ASIO drivers on Windows (Win10/Win11) to ensure seamless operation with your computer. Follow the instructions below to complete the installation: *Please ensure you plug the USB cable of Saturn Interfaces in...