Experience the difference with DSD Transcoder ASIO Driver by Maxim V.Anisiutkin. Whether you're a music professional or simply looking to elevate your listening experience, this driver has the tools you need to unlock the full potential of your digital audio setup. Say goodbye to laggy playback...
。 fdsasdfdddsa 银耳 10 不清楚是想干嘛 播放的话直接在输出设备里选ASIO:你的设备DSDtranscoder本就没独立界面双击没反应的,要在工具-DSD processor里改,然后输出设备选择ASIO:DSDtranscoder飞TBLZ8 陶耳 3 飞TBLZ8 陶耳 3 以前双击后是出现这个窗口fds...
The best SIMPLE manner to erase DSD Transcoder ASIO Driver is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Here are some detailed instructions about how to do this:1. If you don't have Advanced Uninstaller PRO on your PC, add it. This is a good step because Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a very...
The text above is not a recommendation to uninstall DSD Transcoder ASIO Driver by Maxim V.Anisiutkin from your computer, we are not saying that DSD Transcoder ASIO Driver by Maxim V.Anisiutkin is not a good software application. This text simply contains detailed instructions on how to ...
DSD Transcoder: PCM Leaks but DSD does not. Does DoP with DSD regardless if you want it to or not. (176khz PCM in control panel, 2.8mhz on the display) foo_dsd_asio: Forces everything PCM to DSD, why would you want this. (The only ASIO that says DSD in control panel) Topping ...
你们dac的asio..我的晓的asio驱动在foobar2000上能识别到,但是一用foobar2000就崩了,我又用dsd transcoder试了试,还是无法载入asio驱动,用asio4all驱动正常,但问题是无法硬
分享24赞 foobar2000吧 不一样的吃货🍒 因为试了试新版foobar,asio驱动选择里面多了个dsdtranscoder,重新安装软件,插件,都试过了,就是不能播dsd文件了,怎么办呀 +1 1183 谷津吧 zctang305 win10最新预览版15007,U4的ASIO驱动出现了奇怪的问题,求帮助!昨天升了win10预览版15007,一开始感觉还蛮不错,后来发现U4...
无非就是gtp自动加载第一个ASIO设备,而A排第一。。。 解决方法3:去注册表里把HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO\DSDTranscoder铲了,也就是DSD转码器这个设备,让gtp彻底扫不到这个东西。