The proposed regulatory guide outlines the obligations for low cost credit contracts and BNPL contracts under the consumer credit regime. To continue reading... Sign in Password * Remember me Lost your password? Subscribe Subscribe to Regulation Asia to gain access to APAC’s leading platform ...
5. CIO和FOS两个机构间签署谅解备忘录,将能避免在AFCA成立过渡期内出现各种冲突。 6. ASIC 不久后将就更新“监管指导139”(Regulatory Guide 139)进行社会公开咨询,这些公开咨询建议将被写入ASIC对AFCA的审查细节中。等AFCA正式开始运行时,这些审查细节都会向公众公布。 7. ASIC也将就新的“IDR标准”和“强制性IDR...
The following words have these meanings in this Schedule unless the contrary intention appears: ASIC Policy means ASIC Regulatory Guide 179 (“Managed Discretionary Account Services”) and ASIC Class Order 04/194, as revised or amended from time to time. AFMA proposes that the linking rule be re...
Cell ASIC 单细胞分离芯片快速指南说明书 20521475w Rev 10/20 1 of 2Introduction The CellASIC ® Single Cell Isolation Chip enables rapid, damage free isolation of single cells for immediate down-stream analysis.Quick Start Guide CellASIC ® Single Cell Isolation Chip SACE...
澳大利亚证券及投资委员会(ASIC)日前就公司履行建立检举人政策的义务提供了指引。 作为企业部门检举人改革的一部分,上市公司、大型私有公司和作为可登记养老金实体受托人的私有公司必须在2020年1月1日之前向其高管和员工提供检举人政策。 《监管指南270:检举人政策》(Regulatory Guide 270 Whistleblower Policies) (以下...
《监管指南261众筹:公司指南(Regulatory Guide 261 Crowd-Sourced Funding: Guide for Companies》帮助公众和符合资格的私有公司理解并遵守适用于通过众筹机制筹集资金的公司的报告要求和问责标准。ASIC承认这是一种针对私有公司的新制度,这些公司在公开发行股票方面没有经验。
Mellon, Michael
ASIC Information Sheet ASIC decisions – your right RIGHTS OF REVIEW Persons affected by certain decisions made by ASIC under the Corporations Act 2001 and the other legislation administered by ASIC may have rights of review. ASIC has published Regulatory Guide 57 Notification of rights of ...
“Our revised RG 209 [responsible lending guide] acknowledges that screen scraping and digital data capture can provide access to information to be utilised as part of a responsible lending assessment process,” Mr Gough said. “We’re otherwise watching, but we haven’t seen a need to act to...
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are voltage-independent proton-gated amiloride sensitive sodium channels, belonging to the DEG/ENaC gene family. Six different ASICs have been identified (ASIC1a, ASIC1b, ASIC2a, ASIC2b, ASIC3, ASIC4) that are activated