The Asiatic lion, a subspecies that split from African lions around 100,000 years ago, once prowled across Asia and the Middle East. Sadly, the lions were hunted nearly to extinction, with as few as ten individuals left in existence by the late 1800s. ...
The meaning of ASIATIC LION is a lion of a subspecies (Panthera leo persica) found in western India that is slightly smaller than the lion of Africa. How to use Asiatic lion in a sentence.
A population of 300 Asiatic--African hybrid lions in India will be prevented from reproducing in order to preserve pure Asiatic stock.(India)(Brief Article)Amodeo, Christian
. This feature appears in some African lions, but it is far more prevalent in Asiatic lions. Both groups occupy the same position in thefood chainsof their habitats (that of anapex predator), and several elements of theirlife cyclesare either identical or nearly so. The lengths of their...