We research the price history of products to post top deals on our platform. Our deals are selected from the pool of biggest discounts that have been examined by deal editors. Only the best deals are picked and displayed on FreeKaaMaal. Our team of deals hunters is passionate about finding ...
This analysis paints a mixed picture with regards to the preferences of healthcare providers’ personal attributes, however, it does suggest that there are complex and multifaceted reasons why MSM across different ethnic backgrounds may have particular preferences regarding the personal attributes of ...
In recent days, renovation work at the arena has been proceeding in an orderly and intense manner. "We have selected environmentally friendly decoration materials such as paints and boards, all of which must pass environmental testing before use. Sports lighting fixtures and equipment will all be ...
Segmented into unorganized and the organized sector, the foremost players in the organized sector today include Asian paints, Berger paints, Kansai Nerolac paints, Nippon paints etc. The market is largely untapped in India; with a huge section of the population is yet to be unexplored and hence...
Finally, here are a couple of examples of Western innovation, the credibility of which I cannot vouch for. Ford claims to have developed a way of sequestering VOCs from paints for conversion into fuel for fuel cells. The clever Germans say they have found a way of producing self-healing nan...
The water-energy-food nexus is a topical subject for research and practice, reflecting the importance of these sectors for humankind and the complexity and magnitude of the challenges they are facing. While the nexus as a concept is not yet mature or fully tested in practice, it has already ...