Color schemes, paints, palettes, combinations, gradients and color space conversions for the #bdd0e7 hex color code.
★ Village Blue / 70BG 17/116#5c7482 ΔE = 1.448 / LRV ≈ 16.4% Asian Paints ★ Classic Cyan / 9230#537483 ΔE = 1.457 / LRV ≈ 16.0% #57727f HTML / CSS Code Examples Hex RGB HSL #57727f foreground It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one ...
本案例默认翻译为中文,点击可切换回原语言 亚洲涂料 (印度) 涂料: 蓝色 暂无简介 基本信息 创作者 案例详情 基本信息 广告品牌:Asian Paints India 发布日期:2004-12 行业领域:饮食/特产,宠物食品 媒体类别:图文,海报/平面 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 ...
1. Colour Selection - Select a colour by browsing through the Asian Paints Colour Spectra fandeck, search by colour name or colour code. We have also classified our colours into some basic colour families - red, blue, etc for a quick search. Select a colour by using a image from your ...
Asian Paints Similar Paints Glidden ★ Secret Cove Blue / 90BG 32/199#769dbb ΔE = 0.766 / LRV ≈ 31.6% PPG Pittsburgh Paints ★ Walden Pond / PPG1159-4#789bb6 ΔE = 0.861 / LRV ≈ 30.8% Porter Paints ★ Walden Pond / 450-4#779bb6 ΔE = 0.998 / LRV ≈ 30.7% Evonik-Degussa...
Asian Paints Similar Paints TOA ★ 7427#cfe3e4 ΔE = 0.386 / LRV ≈ 73.8% Taubmans ★ Watercolour Blue / T7-8#cfe2e4 ΔE = 0.477 / LRV ≈ 73.3% Snowcem ★ Cherry Red / S8580#cde1e2 ΔE = 0.5 / LRV ≈ 72.3% TRUMATCH ★ 25-f1#cde1e2 ΔE = 0.5 / LRV ≈ 72.3% ECOS ...
Magic Blue / 7441 Asian Paints Similar Paints Kelly-Moore ★ Arizona Turquoise / KM3197-2#80cddb ΔE = 0.372 / LRV ≈ 53.4% Ressource Peintures ★ Ithaque / OROC47#82cedb ΔE = 0.449 / LRV ≈ 54.0% Snowcem ★ Drooling Peach / S8451#7bcedc ΔE = 0.533 / LRV ≈ 53.5% Panton...
Color schemes, paints, palettes, combinations, gradients and color space conversions for the #6976a0 hex color code.
Exact Matching Paints Face Pack / 9534 Asian Paints Similar Paints TOA ★ 8638#986353 ΔE = 0.556 / LRV ≈ 16.2% Earthpaint ★ 4-6-6 Bushrange#956150 ΔE = 0.568 / LRV ≈ 15.5% Valspar Paint ★ Aged Bourbon V081-5#956354 ΔE = 0.608 / LRV ≈ 16.0% GM / General Motors ★ ...
Paints Exact Matching Paints Fresh Olive / 7725 Asian Paints Similar Paints Kelly-Moore ★ Luscious Lime / KM3376-5#789845 ΔE = 0.54 / LRV ≈ 26.9% Opaltone / OMS ★ 5593#76993f ΔE = 0.988 / LRV ≈ 27.0% Porter Paints ★ Antique Moss / 209-7#78973b ΔE = 1.291 / LRV ≈ ...