Asian Journal of ChemistryJournal Abbreviation: ASIAN J CHEM Journal ISSN: 0970-7077Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) - - 2022 - - 2021 - - 2020 - - 2019 - - 2018 - - 2017 - - 2016 - - 2015 - - 2014 - - 2013 0.355 2647 2595 2012 0.253 ...
Asian Journal of Green ChemistryCODEN:AJGCAX Abbreviation:Asian J. Green Chem. DOI Prefix assigned forSami Publishing Company(mEDRA):10.48309,DOI:10.48309/AJGC Asian Journal of Green Chemistrywas launched in 2017 bySami Publishing Company(SPC)with cooperation "Iranian Chemical Science and Technologies...
Journal Abbreviation: J ASIAN NAT PROD RES Journal ISSN: 1028-6020About Journal of Asian Natural Products Research The Journal of Asian Natural Products Research (JANPR) publishes chemical and pharmaceutical studies in the English language in the field of natural product research on Asian ethnic ...
The abbreviation of the journal title "Asian journal of traditional medicines" is "Asian J. Tradit. Med.". It is the recommended abbreviation to be used for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes and meets all criteria of the ISO 4 standard for abbreviating names of scientific journals...
《亚洲传统医药(英文)》(Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines)(双月刊),是2006年创刊,由沈阳药科大学主办,香港盛京药大出版传媒有限公司出版,是海内外公开发行的传统医药行业全英文资讯期刊——发行国家包括日本、韩国、新加坡等东南亚国家以及欧美各国。本刊现已被维普数据库和超星数据库收录。本刊以医药卫生行业医...
Always, define abbreviations in a legend at the bottom of a table/figure as a note, even if they have already been defined in the text. List abbreviations in alphabetical order; do not include the word "and" before the last abbreviation. ...
In the literature, a diversity of definitions and abbreviations exist for phthalates and their metabolites. The main abbreviations and definitions found in the literature for these substances and their metabolites are shown in SI 1, Table S2. We here used one abbreviation per substance. Among phthal...
The abbreviation “Jan.Ammal” is used to indicate Edavalath Kakkath Janaki Ammal as the authority on the scientific description and classification of plants. Appendix B To finish the article and to contextualize its content and give rise to possible comparisons, we include in this Appendix some...
(Abbreviation: GIT, gastrointestinal tract). 2.1.2. S. mekongi S. mekongi was first identified in 1857 [33]. While morphologically very similar to S. japonicum, S. mekongi differs in a number of characteristics that indicate it is a distinct species. These differences include the morphology...