After European settlement in 1788, there have been several and increasing (apart from the period of the infamous White Australian Policy following the Colonial period and Independence, with Federation, in 1901) waves of Asian migration, notably during the gold rush (Chinese), the building of the...
Following the traumatic uprooting of Japanese immigrants and Japanese Americans during the WWII years, continued upheaval weakened resolve among many of those who suffered the most — particularly the loss of health, livelihood, homes, and personal property. Many fled the West Coast, where blatant ...
Lew-Williams added that the Chinese Exclusion Act "tamped down on the number of Asian immigrants, and it deprived them of a place in American memory." Another reason the early violence against Asians isn't often discussed, she said, is that it was "effective. The violence was meant to pus...
The Gold Rush of 1849 Anti-Chinese Sentiment MPI/Getty Images A meeting of the Workingmen's Party on the sandlot opposite San Francisco city hall. The party was formed during a recession and gave expression to the anger felt against Chinese immigrants on the West Coast who were thought to ...
When leaders call COVID-19 the “China virus,” it harkens back to decades of state-sanctioned discrimination against Asian Americans.
Gold Rush in California to the railroads across the US, Chinese immigrants and others were major sources of labor. They were also subjected to discrimination by the Chinese Exclusion Act.26The Japanese American history is also tied to immigration and later to their internment during World War II...
a reductive pigeonhole. Such is the burden of post-colonial identity, the idea that even as filmmakers, one’s outlook as an immigrant — or as the child or grandchild of immigrants — must, at once, adhere to certain ideas of what constitutes “Asian” while simultaneously transcending them...
Asimmigrants from Asiaor the Pacific Islands arrived in the United States, they often joined their compatriots in already established ethnic communities where common language and culture made them feel at home. The result has been the creation of enclaves in the pattern of Chinatowns, the oldest ...
The first immigrants were Chinese laborers looking for new work opportunities abroad in the aftermath of the Opium Wars. By the early 1850s, the 25,000 Chinese migrants attracted by the California Gold Rush constituted roughly10%of California’stotal population. ...
Bigotry against Asian immigrants began as soon as the first generation of Chinese workers set foot on American soil during the California gold rush in the 1850s. In the face of the rising anger among white laborers for the salary competition created by Chinese laborers, the “Anti-Coolie Act”...