Synopsis: When Mother accidentally kills her husband, three generations of women must come together to solve a bloody situation. This darkly comedic play takes a look at the legacy of abuse, the power of family, and how to prevent the resurrection of a headless chicken. Issei, He Say (New...
The film is about a ghost named Kayako who basically kills anyone she comes into contact with, and a woman named Rika Nishina who is trying to uncover the origin of the curse. The imagery is terrifying, bolstered by the fantastic cinematography and an unnerving atmosphere. This film is par...
Well in this film it’s true, because Jackie chases off the girl he loves after treating her like dirt. There’s a fight at the end, and Jackie kills the bad guy. Sure he deserved it for that fake chest that he had painted on to look tougher. Then the film pretty much ends. We...
the dubbed prints show stock footage of Hong Kong in the film’s opening. Besides this, the Chinese print simply says ‘The End’ when Ho kills Yi, while the dubbed prints use stock footage of a large beach wave, with a superimposed transparent image of James Ho as he listens back to ...
One city night, told by an attractive female customer that he'll receive a lot of money if he kills her, the Uber driver decides to take her up on the offer... So they go to the promised place. As promised, the Uber driver tries to kill a woman. Suddenly she changes her mind.You...
locks on to any of the fifteen year olds when they become 'Broken' and he kills them. Shortly the "fixed" children are resurrected with new names and new personalities, and everyone forgets the old version. Except Tsuyoshi and Ema, that is. Ema, Tsuyoshi's only ally, is different from ...
Make A Hot Girl Laugh: Kaila Kim Possible Crazy Japanese girls Beach game Game, set and match! Bikini Carwash babes And now for something completely different (4) Funny Dim Sum Video For Guys That Like Asian Women Climax bargain! Please turn on your sound… And now for something completely...