The story of Sripa, a young Sri Lankan high-school graduate who endured 26 months of forced labor in a household in the USA. With only her mother’s letters to keep her going, and a neighbor whose inquiries lead to her rescue, Sripa finds strength, bravery, and finally the power and...
The first Asian American play to receive a major production on a New York stage, back in 1972, CHICKENCOOP was a groundbreaking play in many ways. In the nascent Asian American identity movement, this play was a major touchstone in defining the Asian American identity; grassroots organizer count...
South Korea: Stuck in the 20th Century? South Korea is cutting-edge in so many ways, except its foreign policy Political Rift Deepens in Japan over Senkakus Nationalization The possible repercussions on Japan's bilateral relations with China and Taiwan might still create serious hurdles in proc...
The Influence of Academic Migration on the Intellectual Potential of Russia The emigration of highly-qualified academics ('brain drain') is considered an essential factor in the decline of the human capital of post-Soviet Russia. H... NV Latova,VI Savinkov - 《European Journal of Education》 ...
And in the United States, my main focus is improving our education system and lifelong learning. Because part of what’s changed in the economy -- in the 20th century, you got a change at a company, you might stay there for 30 years; things didn’t change that much. Now you may be...
One of the most important lessons I ever learned was when my friend told me, “Kazumi, they think we’re robots.” Because in the white imagination, Asians fill the role both of robots who are super calculating, and also robots who do menial labor. Robots are the perfect laborers under ...
GOLD WATCHis set in Wapato, WA between Labor Day 1941 and June of 1942. The play dramatizes the consequences of Pearl Harbor for the Japanese Americans in this rural, farm community and how they respond to the internment orders. First performed in Seattle in 1977, the play this year feature...
-- ``: the model wrapper for index_gru NCE module -- ``: entry point -- ``: some util functions for better code structure +- `example`: a word langauge model sample to use NCE as loss. + - `example/`: a wrapper for vocabulary object + ...
Amazon labor union amazon prime Amazon Prime Day amazon prime video Amazon Rekognition amazon sex toys Amazon Studios amazon warehouse Amazon Web Services amazon workers Amazon, surveillance, Rekognition, emotion recognition, Palantir, Jews Against ICE, Jews For Racial and Economic Justice...
In the end, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto refused to sit down and talk with Shaikh Mujib and forced the split. Here's how one of Bhutto's friends late Gov Salman Taseer offered his view in his book "Bhutto: A Political Biography" "Blame can never be satisfactorily or finally apportioned to the ma...