Two authors: (Andersson and Read 2014) Three or more authors: (Li et al. 2014) About the journal Full journal titleAsian Journal of Criminology AbbreviationAsian J. Criminol. ISSN (print)1871-0131 ISSN (online)1871-014X ScopeLaw Other styles...
TheAsian Nursing Research(ANR) is the official journal of the Korean Society of Nursing Science. ANR is an international, peer reviewed, open access (free submission and free access), scientific journal that seeks to promote the development and dissemination of knowledge that is directly relevant ...
Scale bars = 10 cm in (a) and 2 cm in (b,d); Abbreviation: co, coracoids; f, frontal; fur, furcula; h, humerus; p, parietal; pfs, frontal/ parietal suture; pp, parietal process; sc, scapula; st, sternum; stf, supratemporal fenestra. The skull is almost completely...
The main abbreviations and definitions found in the literature for these substances and their metabolites are shown in SI 1, Table S2. We here used one abbreviation per substance. Among phthalate replacements, our priority was for DEHT and DINCH [39]....
The marker nomenclature corresponds to the primer name followed by “s” (abbreviation of “size”) and the size of product (in base pair). Full size image Figure 2 Genetic linkage map of American lotus ( Nelumbo lutea ) constructed with SSR and SRAP markers. Map distances in centi-Morgans...
journal: Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology Yates YY Chao1 Jong Woo Kim2 JongSeo Kim3 Hyungseok Ko4 Kate Goldie5 1Chao and Chiu Institute of Aesthetic Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan; 2IU Clinic, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 3Kim‑JongSeo Plastic Surgery Clinic, Seoul, Republic of ...
journal without the permission of the editorial board of AB. Submitted manuscripts are screened for possible plagiarism or duplicate publication by CrossCheck upon receipt by the journal. If plagiarism or duplicate publication is detected, the manuscripts may be rejected, the incident will be announced...
The marker nomenclature corresponds to the primer name followed by “s” (abbreviation of “size”) and the size of product (in base pair). Full size image Figure 2 Genetic linkage map of American lotus ( Nelumbo lutea ) constructed with SSR and SRAP markers. Map distances in centi-Morgans...
The abbreviation “Jan.Ammal” is used to indicate Edavalath Kakkath Janaki Ammal as the authority on the scientific description and classification of plants. Appendix B To finish the article and to contextualize its content and give rise to possible comparisons, we include in this Appendix some...
Abbreviation: PLADO, plant-dominant. Amino acid abbreviations: Cys, cysteine; His, histidine; Leu, leucine; Lys, lysine; Met, methionine; Thr, threonine. Other essential amino acids such as tryptophan, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and valine are not included because all low protein diets...