The Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 shook the foundations of the global economy. What began as a localised currency crisis soon engulfed the entire Asian region. What went wrong and how did the Asian economies, long considered 'miracles', respond? How did the United States, Japan and other...
AsianCrisis亚洲金融危机英文版 AsianFinancialCrisis 目录 一.Asianfinancialcrisis1997–981.数据2.概况3.原因4.影响 二.投机者-索罗斯三.IMF的角色四.经验教训 1997亚洲金融风暴概况之危机原因 新马泰日韩等国都为外向型经济的国家。他们对世界市场的依附很大。亚洲经济的动摇难免会出现牵一发而动 全身的状况。金融...
asiancrisis亚洲金融危机英文版 AsianFinancialCrisis目录一.Asianfinancialcrisis1997–981.数据2.概况3.原因4.影响二.投机者-索罗斯三.IMF的角色四.经验教训1997亚洲金融风暴概况之危机原因新马泰日韩等国都为外向型经济的国家。他们对世界市场的依附很大。亚洲经济的动摇难免会出现牵一发而动全身的状况。金融大鳄一只假...
The Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 left many marks in the political economy of Asia, among which is the (re)emergence of Japan's interest in taking a leadership role in defining and strengthening regional monetary cooperation. Japan's new interest stems from its perspective on the causes ...
AsianCrisis亚洲金融危机英文版.pptx,Asian Financial Crisis目录一.Asian financial crisis 1997 – 981.数据2.概况3.原因4.影响二.投机者-索罗斯三.IMF的角色四.经验教训1997 亚洲金融风暴概况之 危机原因新马泰日韩等国都为外向型经济的国家。他们对世界市场的依附很大。
aThe Asian Financial Crisis in 1997-98 has raised concerns for worldwide financial contagion. Financial liberalisation in the absence of a well-developed regulatory framework had located some emerging-market economies in a precarious position. The weakness of their financial systems in the context of ...
This paper discusses the development of corporate governance regulation in Malaysia, with particular attention being paid to the period before and after the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98. It attempts to show that while regulatory oversight of corporate governance was introduced soon after the ...
“Asian Crisis” of 1997-98 affected all the “emerging markets” open to capital flows. Measures of corporate governance, particularly the effectiveness of protection for minority shareholders, explain the extent of depreciation and stock market decline better than do standard macroeconomic measures. A...
but the plunder has continued by other means. As Joseph Stiglitz shows in Globalisation and its Discontents, the capital liberalisation forced on Asian economies by the IMF permitted northern traders to loot hundreds of billions of dollars, precipitating the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98(9). ...