* Palestinian Territory at the Open Directory Project * The Question of Palestine & the United NationsPDF, published by the United Nations Department of Public Information, March 2003. UN Brochure DPI/2276. [source] occupied Palestinian territory — more than 1,000 found * List * map thumbnails...
Asian countries, especially those in East Asia, had a differential attitude towards the pandemic, implementing strict public health measures from the beginning of the outbreak, including stringent mask requirements, rapid contact tracing, isolation testing of all cases, quarantines, and border closings ...
As regards membership, China initially planned to build a regional bank constituted by Asian and Middle Eastern countries wherein Beijing would contribute up to 50 % of the total capital, which would translate into outright veto power over any decisions (Sun 2015). Unlike the common practice of...
an assessment framework of energy security, where energy security is measured as oil security, gas security and sustainability and measure the energy security and co-benefits ensuing as a result of energy efficiency measures in three developing Asian countries, namely Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam...
Online Cocos Islands tourist visa Application Apply online now To apply for visas to several countries add Cocos Islands to selection and return to the list of destinations. Australian visas for citizens of United States are electronic. [source] Cocos Islands is a territory of Australia. [source]...
TheWorldscopedatabaseisthesourceofall¢nancialdataforoursample.Weeliminate¢nancial¢rmsand¢rmsnotlistedonacountry’sprimary stockexchange.Financial¢rmsarethosewithprimarySICcodesinthe6000to6999range.Theprimarystockexchangesfortheeightcountriesin oursample(listedinalphabeticalorderinthetable)are,Jakarta...
Thus, the presence of several WS would improve the specificity (up to 91 % with at least three WS present) in predicting severe disease at the expense of sensitivity and might be an appropriate strategy in countries like Cambodia. This study adds further evidence for the usefulness of WS. ...
Tri Margono, Natsuo ONODERAShigeo SUGIMOTOTri Margono, N. Onodera, S. Sugimoto. Research trends on agricultural commodities in Asian countries. Journal of Information and Media Studies (Japan Society for Information and Media Studies), 6 (1) 2008: 13-25....
(1992) 'Transport regulation and the environment in low income countries', Utilities Policy, 2(3), pp. 248-257 For books: Hass-Klau, C. (1990) The Pedestrian and City Traffic, Belhaven Press, London. For chapters of edited books: Allsop, R.E. (1974) 'Some possibilities for using ...
In 2022, the Philippines was ranked 116 among 180 countries surveyed by Transparency International for its Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). It has a score of 33, with 100 being very clean and zero being highly corrupt. The score of the country is below the average global grade of 43.23...