Purchasing My Fresh Produce I sell fresh fruits including Asian Pears (USDA Organic Certified), pawpaw and persimmons grown in my orchard at Farmer’s Markets and other community events in the greater Chicagoland area.more >>
I also interviewed immigrant family members, friends, and other members of the Asian-American community in New York to broaden the perspective of the project.”– Honglei Li F2. Life & Death of Xiao Lee, oil on canvas, 48″ by 48″ (Image courtesy of Lily Honglei Art Studio © 2021)...
intimidated by the checkpoints and looming government counters, reminded of why my immigrant family tried to stay away from spaces like this. But our family’s struggles brought me to an internship with Mayor Menino, and his chief of staff Mitch Weiss, and...
“Historically, members of the Ainu community were not able to fully express their distinct culture, however a movement to celebrate and sustain the Ainu language, textiles, crafts and traditions continues to gather pace, in particular among younger members of the Ainu community. Ainu Storiesis a ...
Google (2020) Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports. Accessed on 9th May. https://www.google.com/covid19/mobility/ Grange SK, Lee JD, Drysdale WS, Lewis AC, Hueglin C, Emmenegger L, Carslaw DC (2021) COVID-19 lockdowns highlight a risk of increasing ozone pollution in European...
regularly for educational, charitable and social events, the organization provides an opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the local community and to make friendships that last. AIPNO also provides service and aid to underserved areas and disaster affected sites. A 'Yatra' is a holy ...
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We find out when the next scene starts that this couple isGuo Jing and Huang Rong. They have emerged from a tea house after hearing the news that the Lu Manor has caught fire. Lu Manor was very respected in thejiang humartial arts community, and they want to know what happened. When ...
"I was aware about the anti-Asian hate that was going on," she said. "You see it almost every day on the news. But I didn't think it would happen to me at a park I usually go to to train. " Her incident comes amid arise in attackstargeting the Asian American community in the...
(and the backup rat resource facility) for the National BioResource Project, MEXT, Japan. RIKEN BRC has collected, preserved, quality-controlled and distributed valuable mouse resources created mainly in Japan with support of the global research community (Yoshiki et al.2009; Masuya et al.2021)...