美国每年5月庆祝#亚太裔传统月#(Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month),弘扬亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋诸岛后裔丰富多彩的历史和他们对国家的贡献。 #拜登总统#在20...
5 月是 Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 亚太裔传统月,回溯 AAPI Heritage Month 的起源,1977 年,纽约众议员代表 Frank Horton 提出决议,宣布 5 月的前 10 天为 Asian Pacific Heritage Week。10 多年后, George H.W. Bush 才将其延长成为为期一个月的庆祝活动。1992 年,随着公法 102-5...
May is Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month and we are taking the opportunity to highlight our Asian and Pacific Islander colleagues globally.
Senior Creative Director for F1 23, Codemasters Appears 25:18 Twitter Panu Smuthkochorn Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Appears 37:22 Twitter Latest Podcasts April 18, 2024 How Abubakar Salim Found Healing Through Gaming Listen Now April 4, 2024 Diving Deeper into Call of Duty Se...
The first day of May is the start of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. The month celebrates the historical and cultural contributions of Asian American and Pacific Islander people — an umbrella group which includes those with heritage or ancestry from East, Southeast, Sou...
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of all Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. It’s also a time to reflect on the road traveled and the bright future ahead. It’s especially significant to Oracle’s Ravi Sharma. As a...
Atwood Magazine’s staff celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month 2023 with a special feature and playlist highlighting 20 of our favorite artists today! Read more below, and be sure to check out ourAAPI Heritage Month essay seriesfor more insights into the significance...
proposed the idea of celebrating Asian Pacific Americans to Representative Frank Horton. In June 1977, a United States House of Representatives resolution was introduced by Horton and Norman Y. Mineta, proclaiming the first 10 days of May as Asian-Pacific Heritage Week. A month later, a similar...
The article reports that May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. The month is designed to celebrate the achievements of Asian/Pacific Americans with students through the use of standards-based lesson plans. The plans were created in partnership with retail chain store Target and the ...