First, few Asian Americans utilize the mental health system. Second, those who do use services are highly disturbed in terms of psychiatric disorders. Third, cultural factors appear to influence this pattern of low utilization but greater severity of disturbance. Fourt...
CBS13 is celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI) and spotlighting mental health awareness.For many Asian Americans, their families made sacrifices that helped build a future for them in this country. But for the older generation, those sacrifices resulted in...
Treatment can help people with mental health problems to feel better. Yet, many Asian-Americans do not get help until problems are severe. Many Asian-Americans may avoid seeking help because of the cultural stigma placed on mental illness or for fear of bringing shame to the family. In fact...
Asian Americans were the demographic least likely to seek mental health treatment, according to a University of Michigan and Boston University-based study that surveyed over 43,000 United States undergraduate and graduate students from 2012 to 2015. Hahm first launched AWARE at Wellesley College in ...
Despite important developments in our knowledge about mental health prevalence, help-seeking behaviors, and culturally competent treatments for Asian Americans, it appears that troublingly low rates of service utilization still remain even when one accounts for the seemingly low prevalence rates among ...
Shame and stigma. That’s what often happens when Asian Americans seek out mental health help. In a culture that demands perfection, having mental health issues is often seen as a sign of weakness in Asian immigrant communities. According to theU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ...
As a result, in order to maintain social respect, Asian Americans are told to follow the unspoken rule of putting on a “good face." Rather than talking openly about their mental health, Asian Americans are taught to bury their feelings. All...
NEW YORK, April 14 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Asian Americans have faced a triple threat of racial prejudice, mental health concerns in the community and economic loss, according to a new report from the Institute for Asian American Studies at University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston). ...
Asian Americans are saying rising incidents of anti-Asian hate during the pandemic are having a lasting impact on their mental health, well-being and futures.