Asian-American authors write for next generationMomo Chang, STAFF WRITER
While the need for Asian representation across film, music and publishing still has a long way to go, we've also got a wealth of fantastic books written by Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) authors that deserve a spot on your bookshelf. This list of our favorites includes novels,...
Published: March 7, 2023 You Are Here: Connecting Flights is a series of interconnected stories (a different one per chapter) about 12 Asian-American kids at the international terminal of a major airport. We follow each kid as they deal with microaggressions, disdain, and outright racism. Th...
An overview of Intranasal Thermoreversible In-situ Gel for brain-targeted drug... Advancements in Gastroretentive Drug Delivery: Floating In Situ Gel Systems -... Transethosomes: Novel Ultradeformable Lipid Vesicles for Enhanced Skin... Clomipramine Induced Torticollis: A Case Report ...
American Psychological Association H-Index 39 Publication type Journals ISSN 19481985, 19481993 Coverage 2010-2023 Information Homepage How to publish in this journal Scope The Asian American Journal of Psychology is the official publication of the Asian American Psychological Association ...
will be made by e-mail. Submitted papers should be relevant to international audiences and, articles should be written in English (using American English spelling) and meet the following basic criteria: the material is original, the information is important, the writing is clear and concise, the...
Fractional Integration and Asymmetric Volatility in European, American and Asian Bull and Bear Markets: Application to High‐frequency Stock Data This paper is a follow‐up to another paper by the same authors. In that paper, fractional integration and symmetric volatility modelling were considered o...
Three or more authors: (Adamset al., 2006) Please note, ‘et al' should always be written in italics. A few other style points. These apply to both the main body of text and your final list of references. When referring to pages in a publication, use ‘p.(page number)’ for a ...
Received06 July 2023 Accepted20 December 2023 Published02 January 2024 DOI Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative ...
June 25-28 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 39thAnnual Meeting GATEWAYS Chinese researchers recruitment (Cleveland Clinic's American Center for Reproductive Medicine) MEDIA / JOURNALS OUR MEETING ...