text 17.14 KB | Software | 0 0 raw download clone embed print report pi@asiair:~ $ history 1 sudo apt-get update 2 sudo raspi-config 3 ifconfig 4 ls 5 vi /boot/cmdline.txt 6 sudo vim /boot/cmdline.txt 7 sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt 8 sudo systemctl disable hciuart....
I'd rather have the more sophisticated tools, even if it adds a few minutes to the setup time. I'm certainlynotup and running in 10 minutes. It's more like forty minutes for me from the time I arrive at my observing site until I have the hardware, wires, and software up and runni...
On another note, I have the ASIAIR PLUS and when ZWO had there firmware update a few months back my ASIAIR had some errors and i tried everything, nothing seemed to work. I actually was able to get in touch with ZWO and they said they are working on it. They gave me a work around...
The latest ZWOASIAIR update (2.0)became available to the public in September 2022 and has now officially been released. If you’re interested in seeing every update to the ASIAIR, you can always view the completerelease log. The update includes some impressive new features including a much-ant...
ASIAIR has a long standing bug where it does not automatically update the coordinates. Now set up an AutoRun session with that star. Check the time that ASIAIR tells you when it will start a meridian flip. If that time is correct, you are in good shape and all that is faulty is ...
instead, and connect the camera directly to my Mac and use ASI studio. I like the ASI Studio software better, anyway. And after I turn everything on, these are my WiFi options. I must be connected to ASIAir in order to get into the ASIAir App. ...
machine I linked, you'll need to set up the network and hotspot protocols, among other software setups. You'll also need to run Windows update and then turn off Windows updates, lest you find yourself being interrupted in the middle of a session by Microsoft wanting to update your machine...
all night it just would not connect I tried everything after another 4 hours I am done.No more till I can sort this out I am finished with the ASIpro the only thing I can do now is update the firmware on the mount and see what happens.I will contact ZWO as well and ask if I ...
I don't have an ASIAir, but I use ZWO's free ASILive live stacking software for ZWO cameras on my laptop for EAA. You might want to consider ASILive for EAA - It's not nearly as full featured as SharpCap, but has similar functionality to the live stack tool in the ASIAir, and is...
There is a software shutoff switch, however, to gracefully power it down. Credit: Alan Dyer Setting Up the Air Mini While the Mini comes with a small instruction pamphlet in English and Chinese, it is brief and fails to mention the need to enter a password when connecting to the Air ...