The event featured presentations from Everett Rosenfeld, Asia Pacific Editor at CNBC International; Sujin Thomas, Deputy Editor at AsiaOne; Lars Voedisch, Principal Consultant & Managing Director at PRecious Communications; Rebecca Pazos, Interactive Graphics Journalist at The Straits Times; and Lena Goh...
广场对面是城市长廊,门口的“I LOVE KL”是其标志性logo。 双子塔 吉隆坡的标志性城市景观之一,这座美轮美奂的建筑物高451.9米,共88层,登上双塔大楼,整个吉隆坡市秀丽风光尽收眼底,尤其是在晚上灯光璀璨的时候,景色尤为壮美。 茨厂街&鬼仔巷 茨厂街是吉隆坡的唐人街,这里有很多老字号的小吃,形成了耐人寻味的古... P&S Intelligence The Globe and Mail Philadelphia Scientific vogue Institute Econtutor Friends of Morocco khalsa-website-designers Spottabl Statistics Explained Pacific Dental Centre QUBYX Software Technologies Inc., ARI Retail POS JB's Spotless Cleaning ...
University of New England, Australia Australia View More Recommended GlobalPsychiatryWebinars & Conferences Europe & UK PSYCHOLOGY EDUCATION 2025,FranceChemistry Meeting-2025,FranceChromatography Techniques-2025,FranceDERMATOLOGY SUMMIT 2025,France Asia Pacific & Middle East ...
2014 Logo Grama 2014 llustrative Branding 2013 亞太設計年鑑 Asia Pacific Design no.9 2012 亞太設計年鑑 Asia Pacific Design no.8 2011 亞太設計年鑑 Asia Pacific Design no.7 2010 亞太設計年鑑 Asia Pacific Design no.6 2009 亞太設計年鑑 Asia Pacific Design no.5 ...
Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) Foundation today announced a $75,000 cash donation to the Migrant Workers' Assistance Fund (MWAF), the humanitarian charity arm of the Migrant Workers' Centre (MWC). The APB Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the HEINEKEN’s Singapore company – Asia Pacific ...
EY Logo EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ Asia-Pacific Class of 2021 CEO, HLSCIENCE, Korea Hae-Yeon Yi is CEO of HLSCIENCE, an R&D-intensive company that focuses on new materials and new technology in the bio health industry. HLSCIENCE covers a wide range of services, including new natural...
Otis is proud to unveil its Asia Pacific Experience and Innovation Center in Hong Kong. Julie Brandt, Otis Chief Transformation Officer and Dr. Michael Leung, Director, Industrial Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Joseph Armas, Managing Director, Otis ...
Chairman, Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium Topic: Big Data, InnoTech, A.I. Accelerate Sharing & Experience Economy Mr. George Aprane Vice President, Channels & Alliances, APJ Genesys Mr. Tatsumi Yamashita CEO, Help Desk Institute, Japan ...
Asia Pacific & Middle East WORLD CARDIOLOGY 2024,UAEWorld Nursing Summit 2024,JapanWORLD GASTROENTEROLOGY 2025,UAEWORLD PEDIATRICS 2024,Japan Canada AGING MEET 2025,CanadaAnnual Mental Health 2025,CanadaClinical Cardiology 2025,CanadaNeonatal-2025,Canada ...