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renewable energy news , opinion, videos, research and press releases on green and sustainable business, environment, cleantech, CSR in Asia Pacific
Blueleaf Energy’s core business is to develop, finance, own and operate renewable energy and storage assets in the long-term in the Asia Pacific
As we reported in our comprehensive guide to The Renewable Energy Transition, battery storage will continue to be the enabling link between intermittent renewable generation and grid reliability with the potential to have a very significant impact on decarbonization of our energy systems. As ...
The Asia-Pacific region is characterised by complexity. And that’s why it’s such an exciting place for our people to work. There’s no shortage of arguments in favour of giving up, but we’ve set out to do just the opposite. Here at Akuo, renewable energy projects aren’t evaluated...
Renewable Energy in the Asia Pacific: A Legal Overview (3Rd Edition) - ChinaWebb, Stephen
SINGAPORE, June 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Inverters Market Leverages Favourable Targets and Feed-in Tariffs to Catalyse Growth, finds Frost & Sullivan
Using renewable energy to power LNG plants in Asia Pacific could reduce emissions by about 8%, says Wood Mackenzie. Asia Pacific produces over a third of the world’s LNG, but also generates over 50 million t of carbon dioxide equivalent of emissions during liquefaction. Australian LNG...
(FiTs) and renewable energy auctions or tenders, this chapter analyses the convergent and divergent regulatory challenges of promoting renewable energy investment in countries of this region. Regulatory policies for renewable energy are present in most countries in Asia and the Pacific. Still, their ...
图书Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development in the Asia Pacific Region 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐