The Asia Pacific Property Awards 2023 亚太地产2023颁奖 8C设计的“空白计画”获得室内奖项殊荣~过去已过去 未来 需要我们去发现 可持续性、全球经济疲软下的消费削减、AI人工智能,不分国家、不分行业,是这...
近日,素有“房地产界奥斯卡”美誉的 The International Property Awards(国际房地产设计大奖)2022-2023年度获奖名单揭晓,雅居乐汇港城营销中心凭借优异的设计表现力,一举斩获亚太赛区中国最佳零售建筑奖!始创于1993年的国际房地产设计大奖 International Property Awards,至今已成功举办28届,由国际房地产组织举办,面向...
2022-2023年度获奖名单揭晓,雅居乐汇港城营销中心凭借优异的设计表现力,一举斩获亚太赛区中国最佳零售建筑奖! 近日,素有“房地产界奥斯卡”美誉的 The International Property Awards(国际房地产设计大奖)2022-2023年度获奖名单揭晓,雅居乐汇港城营销中心凭借优异的设计表现力,一举斩获亚太赛区中国最佳零售建筑奖! 始创于1993...
At this year’s Asia Pacific Property Awards, four Aedas projects have been named Regional Nominees and will compete at the International Property Awards 2023 to be the Asia Pacific’s Bests and ultimate World’s Bests. The awards highlight the innovation and design excellence of the t...
始创于1993年的国际房地产设计大奖 International Property Awards,至今已成功举办28届,由国际房地产组织举办,面向全球住宅和商业地产专业人士开放,代表着国际地产界的最高荣誉,是全球最大、最有声望和最具影响力的奖项之一。 亚太房地产设计大奖Asia Pacific Property Awards是国际房地产设计大奖The International Property...
贝诺的三个获奖项目在《Asia Pacific’s Best 2023-2024》占据显著版面,该出版物专门展示备受瞩目的2023-2024度亚太房地产设计大奖(Asia Pacific Property Awards 2023-2024)的获奖项目。我们的三个项目都获得了最高荣誉 - 五星奖,我们对此倍感自豪。 请点击以下链接,阅读第28页上关于贝诺卓越项目的完整文章: ...
2023 unesco asia-pacific awards for cultural heritage conservation 1 february 2023, bangkok – unesco is delighted to announce that submissions are now being accepted for the 2023 unesco asia-pacific awards for cultural heritage con...
Benoy were recently honoured at the 2022-2023 Asia Pacific Property Awards Ceremony for three projects across APAC. Benoy competed against the best property professionals across the Asia Pacific regions to be recognised in the mixed-use, redevelopment an
Phuket, 10 July 2023 –Building on previous years' successes, Banyan Tree Group has won several additional awards from International Property Awards, a competition run by International Property Media for 2023/2024. The accolades cement the developer as a powerful force in the Asia-Pacific region. ...
Phuket, 10 July 2023– Building on previous years' successes, Banyan Tree Group has won several additional awards from International Property Awards, a competition run by International Property Media for 2023/2024. The accolades ...