SAI is a monthly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. SAI is devoted to publishing original scientific...
Asia - Pacific Journal of Operational Research 《亚太业务研究杂志》为亚太区域内外业务研究和相关领域的从业人员、学者和研究人员提供了一个论坛。
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 《亚太旅游研究杂志》是亚太旅游协会(1995 年 9 月创刊)的官方杂志,旨在发表高质量的实证和理论文章,以促进和培养旅游知识。该杂志欢迎提交有关亚太地区旅游业主要问题的全文文章和评论。
ASIA PAC J OPER RES影响因子,是几区,是不是预警期刊 学术期刊《ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH》为亚太地区内外运筹学和相关领域的从业者、学者和研究人员提供了一个论坛。期刊将提交以下类别之一的材料:一般、理论、或实践、评审员调查、或教育和通信(包括短文和信件)。理论论文应具有重要的方法...
首先是为了分享我向ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH投稿的经验,希望可以给其他准备投稿的研究人员提供一些参考和指导。其次,通过分享我的投稿经历和实践经验,我希望能够激发更多的学术交流和合作,共同推动运筹学领域的发展和创新。 总而言之,在这篇长文中,我将详细介绍如何准备投稿、投稿流程以及需要注意的...
The Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research is open to the global community of scholars who aspire to have their researches published in a peer-reviewed open access. The primary criterion for publication in the Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research is the significance of the ...
Asia - Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education 发文量164 被引量177 影响因子(2023)0.418 主办单位:Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1976-1961 收录汇总栏目浏览期刊详情 收录汇总 出版文献 ...
It focuses primarily on research activities in the Pacific Rim area, though research reports from other areas are not excluded. The journal includes research articles related to the education and care of children from birth to age 8 and to related topics. These include reports of empirical ...
《亚太运筹学杂志》(Asia-pacific Journal Of Operational Research)是一本以管理科学-运筹学与管理科学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd出版商创刊于2004年,刊期Quarterly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦管理科学-运筹学与管理科学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时...