Asia Pacific International School 夏威夷州城市 加诚国际教育»院校库»高中院校»私立高中»亚太国际学校 学校类型:高中 公立/私立:私立 住宿方式:寄宿 学费:$40,600 学校名称:亚太国际学校 学校别名: 学校电话:808 670 1909 学校地址:54-230 Kamehameha HWY Hau’ula HI 96717 ...
Asia Pacific International School 寄宿学校 男女混校 夏威夷 1:10 的师生比例 | 50%的教师高级学位学校简介 亚太国际学校是一所私立,非盈利性质的提供5-12年级走读、寄宿的学校。学校坐落于美丽的夏威夷主岛欧胡岛北海岸上,占地97英亩。学校教授以项目为基础的学科,注重21世纪合作、批判性思维、创新思维的培养。我们...
<p>亚太国际学校位于Hawaii州Asia Pacific International School, Hawaii, US英文名称叫,Asia Pacific International School该院校是一所寄宿类的大学预备高中。亚太国际学校学费是$40,600美元师生比1:10。始建于2015年,学校开设年级5&&12。AP课程数28,SAT平均分
Asia Pacific International School is a private school located in Hauula, HI. The student population of Asia Pacific International School is 148. The school’s minority student enrollment is 73.0% and the student-teacher ratio is 10:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/A ...
Asia Pacific International School Hauula Hawaii United States Overview To leverage the power of place-based education, APIS has established a global network of campuses under one school: an East Asia campus in Seoul, South Korea, and a West campus in Hau‘ula, Hawai‘i. The 97-acre Hawai‘...
Asia pacific international school 亚太国际学校 亚太国际学校97英亩校园位于瓦胡岛北岸的乡村。夏威夷校园依偎着一座俯瞰浩瀚太平洋的翠绿山峰,学生们探索其丰富的自然资源,了解文化遗产、环境和可持续发展的未来。 学校优势: 1、实践项目:基于项目的学习(PBL)被整合在API的所有核心课程和选修课中。学生通过识别现实世界...
Latest updates of Asia Pacific International School about 2025 reviews, tuition, requirements, rankings. Accompanied by realistic 360 virtual tour & lots of valuable information.
Huawei and the ASEAN Foundation brought together representatives to discuss the construction of a future-ready ICT talent pool in the Asia-Pacific region at the Asia Pacific Digital Talent Summit today.
Asia-Pacific Fredfort International School-An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people.
Asia-Pacific Fredfort International School-An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people.