#特刊征稿#Asia and the Global Economy(AGE)为爱思唯尔与亚洲经济共同体论坛和韩国仁川大学联合创办的开放获取期刊。目前,本刊有4个子主题特刊正在征稿中,分别是:南北韩统一、亚太地区和世界面临的问题和挑战、区块链技术与亚洲经济合作,以及第四次工业革命对亚洲和全球经济的影响。具体征稿要求、范围、截止日期等...
我们十分高兴地宣布,全新经济学领域金色开放获取期刊Asia and the Global Economy正式发布! Asia and the Global Economy专注于来自亚洲各国以及与亚洲有紧密政治、经济和安全联系的各国学界和政策制定者们所关注的话题。本刊由亚洲经济共同体基金会(The Asia Economic Community Foundation)和韩国仁川大学(Incheon National...
Guest editors: Jehoon Park and Josef Brada What economic and political changes for Asia and the global economy will arise from the economic and political developments brought about by new technologies such as artificial information? Submission deadline:31 March 2025 ...
A Special Issue of Asia and the Global Economy on Existential Global Threats: Challenges to Asia and the Global Economy Guest editors: Jehoon Park and Josef Brada The global economy faces major threats such a nuclear terrorism, war, the breakdown in social order and others and this special iss...
Asia and the Global Economy三本特刊公开征稿中 将我们设置为星标账号,不错过最新学术资讯! Asia and the Global Economy是一本开放获取期刊。本刊将发表有关经济学、政治科学和国际关系学方面的研究成果。文章不仅需要有科学严谨的分析...
AGE publishes rigorous economic, political science and international relations research with clear policy implications for the Asian region and Asia's role in the global economy. Articles must have a firm analytical basis, but their findings must have si
Asia in the Global Economy 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This is one of the few books written on policy issues in Asian economies. It covers contemporary international economic issues that are easily accessible to non-economists. It can also be read by students of applied economics, publi...
The volume represents a collection of papers that examine important topical themes related to the rise of China and Asia in the global economy. It offers many useful insights on several issues that are hotly debated in the international community, especially in the aftermath of the recent global ...
Central Asia's new states have been buffeted by financial ill winds from East Asia and Russia and by Islamic revolutionary movements from the south. In the context of widespread and deepening impoverishment, endemic corruption, gaping inequalities, and external pressures to undertake difficult reforms...