Southeast Asia, vast region of Asia situated east of the Indian subcontinent and south of China. It consists of two dissimilar portions: a continental projection (commonly called mainland Southeast Asia) and a string of archipelagoes to the south and eas
Asia is bounded by theArctic Oceanto the north, thePacific Oceanto the east, theIndian Oceanto the south, theRed Sea(as well as the inland seas of theAtlantic Ocean—the Mediterranean and theBlack) to the southwest, andEuropeto the west. Asia is separated fromNorth Americato the northeast...
This is a political map of Asia which shows the countries of Asia along with capital cities, major cities, islands, oceans, seas, and gulfs. The map was created by the Central Intelligence Agency using an azimuthal equal-area projection. Additionally, we have a CIA Map of the World which ...
Geo Map - Asia - Republic of the PhilippinesThe Philippines are located in southeastern Asia. The Philippine Islands are bordered by the Philippine Sea, South China Sea, Celebes Sea, and Sulu Sea.Pic. 2. PhilippinesGeo Map - Asia - Philippines Contour Philippines Cities: Angeles, Aparri, ...
At Map of Asia page, view countries political map of Asia, physical maps, satellite images, driving direction, interactive traffic map, Asia atlas, road, google street map, terrain, continent populati
Some of the major economic, political, and cultural cities are situated in Asia. Several key cities on the political map of Asia include: Tokyo,Japan. Beijing,China. Mumbai,India. Bangkok,Thailand. Singapore. Hong Kong. Seoul,South Korea. ...
Explore Map of Asia, Asia map, world countries map, satellite images of the Asia, largest cities maps, political map of , physical maps, driving directions, continents maps and from space views.
Read the latest stock market news and analysis on Asia Pacific in regions from Japan, China, Singapore, Australia, to New Zealand. Find business; finance; economy, stocks, and global economy news on CNBC's Asia Pacific page.
Southeast Asia is a group of diverse tropical countries between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, featuring cultures influenced by both India and China and hosting large communities of Overseas Chinese.Map Directions Satellite Photo Map
Categories: sovereign state, archipelagic state, constitutional republic, island country, presidential system, historical unrecognized state, unitary state, republic and locality Location: Southeast Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude of center-3.6° or 3° 36' south Longitude of center119.7...