49. The Bellwood,东京 50. Penrose,吉隆坡 单项奖获得者 最具潜力酒吧大奖 One to Watch ·Night Hawk,新加坡 可持续酒吧大奖 Sustainable Bar ·Analogue Initiative,新加坡 最佳鸡尾酒单 Best Cocktail Menu ·The Cocktail Club,雅加达 行业标杆人物大奖 Industry Icon ·Hiroyasu Kayama 最受欢迎调酒师 Barten...
50Best Youtube Channel Meet Asia's Favourite Bartender 50Best Youtube Channel Asia's 50 Best Bars 2024: Awards Ceremony | Hong Kong 50Best Youtube Channel Step inside Asia's Most Hospitable Bar: Virtù 50Best Youtube Channel Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2023: Highlights from Hong Kong ...
香港2023年7月19日 /美通社/ -- Coa排名No.1,并获评由Perrier赞助的The Best Bar in Asia之称 Coa celebrates its third consecutive No.1 at the Asia’s 50 Best Bars 2023 awards ceremony, sponsored by Perrier, live from Hong Kong 该榜单中的入围酒吧分布于17个城市,包括13个新入围酒吧新加坡以11...
2023年Asia's 50 Best Bars名单新鲜出炉!官方干邑合作伙伴Rémy Martin人头马也通过赞助两个特别奖项,嘉许为顾客带來非凡体验的出色酒吧。其中,2023年Asia's 50 Best Bars排名第2位的Jigger & Pony荣获Rémy Martin Legend of the List殊荣,并连续三年成为The Best Bar in Singapore。
🍸ZEST【2023 No.5】一家主打Sustainable的酒吧 从原材料到店铺 主打一个‘Zero Waste’ -Z&T / Zest&Tonic 清爽挂金汤力 homemade tonic气泡非常足 回口新鲜水果味自制gin 金汤力本来很普通 但做的又不普通 很妙 - Sikhye Milk Punch / 烧酒base 米酒融合的特别好 有米香气 带一点甜味 很有特色的一杯...
Debuting on Asia’s 50 Bars this year, VIRTÙ is located on the 39th floor of Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Otemachi, which is also home to Michelin starred restaurant est. #36 Best Bar in Asia: Bar Trigona, Kuala Lumpur Bar Trigona was also named the Best Bar in Malaysia 2023. Grou...
Asia50 best bar 51-100 (2024/07/09) 今年的51到100,我去过15家。看来下半年还有得忙[大笑] Sober才92,还得加把劲儿呀。 - No.100 Moonrock, Tainan No.99 Drinking & Healing Ho Chi Minh City No.98 Dry Wave Cocktail Studio Bangkok No.97 Tell Camellia Hong Kong No.96 Home New Delhi No....
新加坡的Fura贏得Ketel One Sustainable Bar Award 曼谷的Dry Wave Cocktail Studio拿下Campari One To Watch Award 台北的Nest by Pun拿下Siete Misterios Best Cocktail Menu Award 有關完整的第 1 至第 50 位榜單,請在此處查看。 由Perrier 贊助的 2024 年Asia's50 Best Bars 榜單,於今晚在香港舉行的現場頒獎...
#美食资讯# ASIA'S 50 BEST RESTAURANTS“亚洲50最佳餐厅”揭晓2025年度第51-100强延伸榜单餐厅 13家新入选餐厅收录至这份享有盛誉的榜单,为3月25日在首尔现场揭晓2025年“亚洲50最佳餐厅”进行预热🎉由S.Pellegrino...
July 19th, 2023 The list ofAsia’s 50 Best Bars 2023, sponsored by Perrier, was announced at a live awards ceremony tonight in Hong Kong. The ceremony, hosted in collaboration with 50 Best’s destination partner Hong Kong Tourism Board, was the first full-scale gathering of the bar comm...