1.打开 PHD, 点击左下角的摄像头图标 , 选择第一项 ASCOM Camera,点 OK . . 2.弹出 ASCOM对 话框 , 选择 ASI Camera ASCOM driver, 点击 Properties(属性 ) 3. ASCOM驱 动会自动检测到连接的摄像头 , 选择合适的增益后点 OK 4.菜单 Mount( 赤道仪 ) 下选择 On-camera, 表示赤道仪通过摄像头控制...
24、dar Plua-ri 西2 .在弹出的对话框中选择setupcamera,一般Camera2为导星camera.Cm ci a. CcjlLi ujL白R单|小i小。Cin-er4 1SL Ip ChIimQpti«a2 e tip ? l 11 e* I IfiTFiltersJil晨 u h 0. TCPrriittisCansra2HlumtionTJoCfinRir3 .摄像头类型选择ASCOM,点击Advanced。如果使用WDM驱动导...
2. 点击Camera2 的“setup camera” ASI 相机用户指南 41 3. 选择“ASCOM”并点击“Advanced”。如果是通过WDM驱动连接的话,你 可以选择“video”。 ASI 相机用户指南 42 4. 选择“ASI Camera(1)”或“ASI Camera(2)”,点击“Properties”。设置后 ...
1 ASI 相机用户指南 目录 ASI 相机软件使用手册1 Windows平台1 引言3 1. 相机驱动安装4 1.1 连接相机到USB 口7 1.2 驱动更新9 1.3 驱动卸载10 2.Directshow 驱动 11 3.ASCOM 驱动17 4. 行星拍摄软件20 4.1SharpCap20 4.2FireCapture22 4.3 参数设置23 4.4 使用Firecapture 自动拍行星24 4.5 如何实现相机的最...
The SC2210 sensor taken from the ASI220MM Mini camera features very high sensitivity. The QE peak value reaches 92% at 500nm. The read noise is as low as 0.6e. As the new generation of guide sensor, it has achieved great results in guiding, proved by hundreds of astrophotographers. Enj...
We know that you use Chile's 1 meter RC telescope quite a lot for remote shooting. Which planetary cameras are currently using for now? Which camera is the most commonly used? And why? A13: 那台望远镜上的主相机是ASI174MM, 它与这台望远镜的超长焦距非常契合。
使用MAXIM-DL导星 1.打开MaxIM-DL , 点击摄像头的图标 2.在弹出的对话框中选择 setup camera,一般Camera2为导星camera. 3.摄像头类型选择ASCOM,点击Advanced。如果使用WDM驱动导星则这里要选video。和PHD中操作类似。 4.弹出ASCOM Camera选择对话框,选择"ASI Camera ASCOM driver",点击"properties"后可以看到当前...
35 ASI 摄像头操作指南 使用 MAXIM-DL 导星 1.打开 MaxIM-DL , 点击摄像头的图标 2.在弹出的对话框中选择 setup camera,一般 Camera2 为导星 camera. 3.摄像头类型选择 ASCOM ,点击 Advanced 。如果使用 WDM 驱动导星则这里要选 video 。 和 PHD 中操作类似。 36 ASI 摄像头操作指南 4.弹出 ASCOM ...
14. How to update the driver when new version is released It is convenient to update ASI camera's driver, the only thing you need to do is to download the driver, the setup program will detect old version and update automatically 15. I want to use camera outdoors, but my usb wire is...
1. Select Camera from the toolbar of MaxIM_DL 2. Click “setup camera” from the Camera2 29 ASI Cameras User Guide 3. Camera Model select “ASCOM” and click “Advanced”. you can choose “video” if connect though the WDM driver. 30 ASI Cameras User Guide 4. Select "ASI Camera A...