KSM-66(浓缩自南非醉茄的根) 1.1 KSM-66舒缓压力相关研究 在一项双盲安慰剂对照研究[3]中,每天两次将300毫克 KSM-66或安慰剂给予60名睡眠品质欠佳的人,持续10周。(试验组(n = 40)和安慰剂组(n = 20),随机比为2:1) 结果显示,KSM-66南非醉茄优化了睡眠品质,数据是非常具有统计学意义的。 根据匹兹堡睡眠...
在http://clinicaltrials.gov上,所有5项注册临床均基于南非醉茄的根部[4]; 目前有加拿大批准的KSM-66南非醉茄提取物(批准内容包含健康说明)采用的为根部提取物,欧洲药品管理局与草药产品委员会目前在提交的南非醉茄科学数据也都是基于根部制剂。 在2008年发表在《Physiologia plantarum》(IF4.500/Q1)上的一篇研究,这...
KSM-66 is an ashwagandha extract made by Ixoreal Biomed. The Most Clinically Studied Ashwagandha on the Market. KSM-66 Ashwagandha is a branded, full-spectrum extract.
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KSM-66 is an ashwagandha extract made by Ixoreal Biomed. The Most Clinically Studied Ashwagandha on the Market. KSM-66 Ashwagandha is a branded, full-spectrum extract.
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KSM-66 Ashwagandha Powered By NutraShield Technology BenefitsSourced From Thoughtfully Designed Ashwagandha Avoids the use of leaves Regulatory bodies in India and some European countries allow only the root of ashwagandha plant and not the leaves. India government advisory asks industry and consumers ...