Plus size model Ashley Graham does an honest, hilarious interview with one of our favorite blogs, 5 Minutes With Franny.
Plus-size champion and Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Ashley Graham stripped down buck naked alongside her fellow models in a new spread for Glamour Iceland. The issue, which was released on Friday, May 8, features Alda models Graham, Marquita Pring, Julie Henderson, Inga Eiriksdottir, and ...
Ashely Graham talks about her ad for a Swimsuits for All campaign in Sports Illustrated's Swim Issue.
她体重180斤,没有马甲线,也没有大长腿,却是一位不输“维密天使”的性感超模,她就是风靡时尚圈的大码模特——Ashley Graham! 在这个以瘦为美的年代,Ashley坚持做自己,以自己精湛的衣品和对自己身材的自信征服了时尚圈,同时也告诉全世界:真正的美源于你的内心,源于你的大脑,你的自信! 别让他人的审美来定义你...
Ashley seeks to make plus-size bras that are both sexy and supportive! Would Anastasia Steele approve of Ashley Graham's new lingerie line? The plus-size model has launched a collection of bras and panties for Addition Elle that was reportedly inspired by the erotic book-turned-movie, Fifty ...
Ashley Graham is living proof that sexy doesn't have to mean skinny — the plus-size fashion model recently strutted down the runway in her very own lingerie line for New York Fashion Week. The 27-year-old, an advocate for positive body image among women of all sizes, stunned the c...
Ashley Graham Earns Cover, Becomes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit's First Plus-Size Model PHILADELPHIA (CBS) --Sports Illustrated'sswimsuit issue has become a staple of the fashion modeling industry and is now looking to get ahead of the curve. The magazine revealed its three cover models for the...
curvy and ambitious woman is changing the game and she goes by the name ofAshley Graham. This bodacious lady is one of the top plus-size supermodels in the world and has been featured in magazines such asVogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Glamourand was recently on the December 2014 cover of Net-...
#beautybeyondsize," Graham wrote on Instagram. This post has been made private or deleted by the post’s owner. PHOTOS: Celebs In Their Underwear! Graham also shows off her body in a crop top and unbuttoned jeans for the spread, and strips down to lingerie for another sexy shot. ...
It would be easy (and lazy) to peg Ashley Graham as the model who put ‘curvy’ on the fashion map, but that would be doing the activist, author, podcaster, entrepreneur and mother a huge disservice. Here, Ashley Graham talks to PORTER about living brav