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美[ˌæʃkə'nɑ:zi] 英[ˌæʃkə'nɑ:zi] n.(德系)犹太人(祖先居住在欧洲中部或东部) 网络德系犹太人;东欧;德裔犹太人 复数:ashkenazim 权威英汉双解 英英 网络释义 ashkenazi n. 1. (德系)犹太人(祖先居住在欧洲中部或东部)a Jew whose ancestors came from central or eastern Eur...
The meaning of ASHKENAZI is a member of one of the two great divisions of Jews comprising the eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews.
ashkenazi jews 读音:美英 ashkenazi jews基本解释 德系犹太人;阿什肯纳兹犹太人;德裔犹太人;东欧犹太人;犹太人 分词解释 Ashkenazi德系犹太人 Jews犹太教徒( Jew的名词复数 )
Define Ashkenazim. Ashkenazim synonyms, Ashkenazim pronunciation, Ashkenazim translation, English dictionary definition of Ashkenazim. n. pl. Ash·ke·naz·im A member of the branch of European Jews, historically Yiddish-speaking, who settled in central
Mutations in the Sulfonylurea Receptor Gene Are Associated with Familial Hyperinsulinism in Ashkenazi Jews Struewing, J.P. et al. The risk of cancer associated with specific mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 among Ashkenazi Jews. N. Engl. J. Me......
Ashkenazi Jews是近亲繁殖的,这句话只说了一半。那是什么让他们冒着近亲繁殖的风险,继续近亲繁殖呢? 因为在他们眼里,goyim(非犹太人)根本不是人,和goyim交配更会让他们感到恶心,他们可是上帝的子民,优异的很。 看看下面的名句。 "Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals." “和非...
阿什肯纳兹犹太人(Ashkenazi Jews),指的是源于中世纪德国莱茵兰一带的犹太人后裔(阿什肯纳兹在近代指德国)。其中 …|基于38个网页 3. 东欧犹太人 该批高龄东欧犹太人(Ashkenazi Jews)饮食及生活习惯并不比一般人好,男性饮酒较一般男士多,运动量却较少。体重、吸… ...
Ashkenazi Jews and Colon Cancerdoi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.1999.03085.xLippe, Scott DavidOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG
Ashkenazi Jews是近亲繁殖的,这句话只说了一半。那是什么让他们冒着近亲繁殖的风险,继续近亲繁殖呢?...