ashampoo burning studio 2025免费中文版是一款功能强大的CD、DVD和蓝光光盘刻录软件,一般又称为阿香婆刻录软件2024,非常的经典,完全免费,能够将电影、音乐和文件刻录到任何可刻录的光盘上,其中内置的光盘翻录功能可以自动检测曲目名称,并且轻松将音频文件转换为带有单独设计的封面和镶嵌图的自定义音频光盘,同时在翻录过程中...
Ashampoo Burning Studio Free is also available.The new Ashampoo Burning Studio has all the capabilities you need to burn data, movies, or music to any CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc, coupled with extensive multimedia features that will help you turn even ambitious movie ideas with special effects,...
Ashampoo Burning Studio FREE——免费的 CD 和 DVD 刻录软件。软件可以刻录CD光盘数据,创建专属于自己的备份文件,软件可以快速刻录任意CD、DVD、蓝光光盘,快速,稳定,简单,欢迎下载体验本软件! 软件特色 刻录数据更容易 快速刻录任意CD、DVD和蓝光光盘
Ashampoo Burning Studio(光盘刻录)是一款简易实用,功能全面的刻录软件,可让您刻录、备份、复制、转换任意光盘文件。这款软件让您安全、轻松的刻录数据,复制 CD、DVD 和蓝光光盘,并为您提供一整套顶级多媒体制作功能。有喜欢的小伙伴快来下载吧! 基本简介
With Ashampoo Burning Studio FREE, burning data to CD, DVD, or Blu-ray discs is a breeze. You can easily update or delete existing discs, including rewritable media (RW), if supported. No matter what hardware you have, this freeware handles it all.Free audio burning softwareFor audiophiles...
Ashampoo Burning Studio Free, free and safe download. Ashampoo Burning Studio Free latest version: Ashampoo – The Only Burning Package You'll Need?. A
You will beredirected to an external websiteto complete the download. If you encounter any issues with your download, pleasereport them here. Alternatives toAshampoo Burning Studio FREE BurnAware Free Free burning tool for CD, DVD and Blu-Ray ...
Popularity Windows 10/11 View all screenshots all-in-one CD/DVD burning softwareAshampoo Burning Studio is an all-in-one CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc burning software that enables you to create data, video, audio and multi-session CDs and DVDs. You can easily create MP3 CDs/DVDs, Audio CDs...
Free Windows software to extract and compress your files Ashampoo® Office Free Are you looking for a free MS Word alternative? We've got you covered! Ashampoo® PDF Free Create, merge and edit PDFs–for free! Ashampoo®
Snap FREE Windows 10 和 11 系统的屏幕截图 关于Ashampoo 用户 2200万 下载 每月500.000+ 世界范围 超过160 个国家 体验 25 年来 //Home of Software Ashampoo 拥有适合您的数字生活的软件:直观、安全且价格合理。 关于我们 Ashampoo 是什么? 可持续性 ...