Supporting SLPs for over 50 years! Earn ASHA CEUs with 200 online continuing education courses. Shop our speech & language therapy materials including Kaufman Apraxia, CVES, Literacy Speaks, R Made Simple and more.
The ASHA Convention is the premier annual professional education event for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists. Bringing together approximately 15,000 attendees, the Convention provides unparalleled opportunities to hear the latest research and gain new s...
ASHA(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)是美国言语-听力-语言协会的简称,是言语病理学、听力学及相关领域的权威专业组织。其核心职能包括制定行业标准、提供专业认证、推动科研发展及公众教育。以下从职能范围、认证体系、资源支持、社会影响等角度展开说明。 一、职能范围与行业标准制定 ASHA通...
Supporting SLPs for over 50 years! Earn ASHA CEUs with 200 online continuing education courses. Shop our speech & language therapy materials including Kaufman Apraxia, CVES, Literacy Speaks, R Made Simple and more.
the child needs an evaluation. However, if a child lacks several skills, is not learning new ones, or is losing skills that they once had, ASHA encourages families to consult with the child's pediatrician and visit an ASHA-certified audiologist or...
The ASHA Convention is the premier annual professional education event for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists. Bringing together approximately 15,000 attendees, the Convention provides unparalleled opportunities to hear the latest research and gain new ...
Mission Empowering and supporting speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists by: Advocating on behalf of persons with communication and related disorders Advancing communication science Promoting effective human communication Landmark Contributions ASHA has had ...
ASHA has had several names during its 83-year history. The first was the American Academy of Speech Correction (1925). The current name, The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), was adopted in 1978. ASHA is the nation’s leading professional, credentialing, and... ...
作者注:ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) = 美国言语语言听力协会,美国言语治疗界最权威的协会 各位朋友们好! 这周一,美国言语语言听力协会(ASHA)主席给我发了一封邮件,告诉我…… 知乎要更新了! 图片来自网络,侵删 哈哈,开个玩笑,活跃一下气氛。
Earn Speech Pathology ASHA CEUs. Over 200 online ASHA CEUs courses, plus live continuing education conferences and workshops.