Ash Wednesday consists of abstaining from meat, going to Mass, and adorning your forehead with ashes. But why do some sects of Christianity celebrate Ash Wednesday? Furthermore, how did Ash Wednesday come about? In this article, we're going to take a look at Ash Wednesday, its meaning, an...
The ashes used on Ash Wednesday services often come from the burnt palm branches of the previous year’s Palm Sunday. The ashes meaning is that of death and repentance, and the people who receive the ash anointment are those who regret their sins and want to make their heart purer. Whe...
As withShrove Tuesday,the meaning of the phraseAsh Wednesdayis hidden within the name itself. Religious observers ofLentplace ash, typically in the shape of a cross, on their forehead as a sign of penitence and a reminder of mortality. This marking is typically done by a priest at amassor ...
This structure acts as a stepping stone between the campfire and the industrial grill, allowing you to cook meat a little bit faster in the early game. But for those wanting a more primal look to their meal prep, you're in luck! While we weren't able to get it ready for release in...
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in the Western Christian church. It occurs six and a half weeks before Easter and marks the beginning of the penitential Lenten season.
Given the announcement Wednesday of the dual-core iPad 2, this was a particularly prescient suggestion on his part. (Read More) 13 comments Friday Q&A 2011-02-18: Compound Literals at 2011-02-18 16:20 by Mike AshTags: fridayqna c99 We're back to our regular schedule at last. For ...