Ash Wednesday Mass During service, priests usually share a speech that focuses on reflection and penance and encourages people to confess and pray for their sins. When anointing churchgoers with the ash cross on their forehead, priests will pronounce a variation of the words “From dust you ...
In modern times, some clergy have seen Ash Wednesday as a chance to do some guerilla evangelism, going out into their cities and offering ashes to passers-by on sidewalks, even to drivers stopped at traffic lights. The main thrust overall is that when the faithful set aside certain bodily ...
A thermogravimetric curve describes mass loss as a function of temperature, which provides information regarding thermal stability and composition of the initial sample, whereas a DTG curve is the measurement of the weight loss ratio at heating interpretation over time (T). Thermogram of samples 0%...
From Figure 7b, the drug loading of MS-24h was 6 times higher than that of TMMS-g-MS. Ibuprofen has one aromatic ring and a relatively long and flexible hydrophobic moiety (butyl group). As a result, the ibuprofen molecules could favourably pack on the surface, leading to a high ...
The mass variation and the compressive strength have also been studied. The impedance spectroscopy has been the most sensitive technique for following the sulphate attack process. Considering the results obtained, micropiles grouts with slag and fly ash, exposed to an aggressive medium with high ...
Table 1. The XRF chemical analysis of Limestone, CFBC fly-ash sample (mass %). Table 1 The XRFEclheemmeincatl analyLsiims eosftLoinmeestonSeC, CFAFBC fly-aYsCh FsAample (mass %). Element CaO MgO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 NaO2 CaOLimestone52.98 MgO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 NaO2 K2O...
MPa 3 d 28 d 25.48 42.67 Aggregate Category Brick reclaimed gravel Concrete reclaimed crushed stone Table 1 shows that SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 account for more than 75% of the chemical composition of fly ash by mass, which fulfills the technical requirements for the base and base binder...
Two dosage parameters that have been proposed in this study are the silica modulus (SM), i.e., the mass ratio of SiO2/Na2O, and the alkali dosage (M+), i.e., the mass ratio of Na2O/binder expressed in percentage. Many studies in the geopolymer literature showed the importance of ...
Metal Type Sample Mass Fly ash bentonite 3.726 3.769 Nitrogen Content/% 0.04 0.016 Carbon Content/% 2.191 0.174 Hydrogen Content/% 0.14 1.678 C/N 54.37 10.93 Table 2. ICP analysis of fly ash. Metal Type >5 ppm Fly ash K Mg bentonite K Mg 1~5 ppm Ba Mn Sr none 0.5~1 ppm Cr Ba ...
The mass change of the BAIC sample was measured and calculated to analyze its thermal stability. 2.5. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) Surface morphology of BAIC char layer was analyzed through the projection of a focused beam of electrons in the...