With rapid industrialization, there is an ever-increasing demand for iron oxides, calcium oxides, aluminum oxides, silica, and zeolites as raw materials for various industries, but reserves of such metal oxides are continuously diminishing. Therefore, th
An example is the ratio of effective absorption optical depths at different wavelengths, called 𝛽β ratio, which can be approximately expressed by single scattering properties (e.g., [8,36,37]). For the calculation of 𝛽β ratios, clear sky properties have to be determined by radiative ...
An example is the ratio of effective absorption optical depths at different wavelengths, called 𝛽β ratio, which can be approximately expressed by single scattering properties (e.g., [8,36,37]). For the calculation of 𝛽β ratios, clear sky properties have to be determined by radiative ...