Despite his small size, Pikachu was one of Ash's most dependable and strongest partners. Whenever Ash wasn't around, Pikachu took a leadership position for the team. He was curious, smart, friendly, and shared Ash's fondness for battling. Pikachu was a very determined Pokémon and unwilling...
If wood strength and hardness matter to you, choose Douglas-fir wood over whitewood. Fir is harder and stronger than pine, spruce or hemlock, and it's less likely to have knots or other blemishes. It may be more expensive but probably not as expensive as a hardwood like oak, unless it'...
For comparison, one of the strongest and hardest wood available is hickory with a hardness rating of 1820 while the strong oak has a rating of 1290. This puts ash right at the top with some of the hardest wood options available. Shock Resistance Besides strength, ash wood is almost entirely...
Gary tries his luck, and his reward is fighting aMewtwo. Thanks for playing, Gary. Ash doesn’t have to fight Mewtwo, though, or even Giovanni — he gets Team Rocket, or as we like to call it, “here, just take this badge because they suck.” ...
He is also the Alola Region’s Pokémon Champion receiving that title after winning its first Pokémon League Conference and he is also the World Champion, referred to as 'Monarch', Meaning he is the Strongest Pokémon Trainer in the Pokémon World, after beating the previous Monarch Leon in ...