Because Pikachu didn't like being inside his Poké Ball, it had only been seen a few times since the first episode. The first was against Brock in Showdown in Pewter City when Pikachu was being attacked brutally by Onix and the second was in the episode Snow Way Out when Ash becomes wo...
There’s no denying that there have been some exceedingly strange moments over the course of Ash’s journeys with Pikachu and their friends. But Ash ending up with a Slowking’s Shellder on his head, resulting in a rap battle with Goh not once (“Slowking’s Crowning!”) but twice (“...
He sees Pikachu and grabs him, but soon gets on a boat with a man, who saved him. While Ash sneezes, the fisherman is amused when Ash wanted to catch Nero, the Whiscash, with his own hands. The fisherman tells Nero, who claimed the lake as its own for 100 years, must have gotten...
Ash stumbles through his first season as a rookie trainer with an out-of-control Pikachu, a cute friend who won’t leave him alone about her destroyed bike, a friend with no eyes who hits on everything that moves, and a trio that constantly follows him and tricks the group with cheap ...
8Don't Want: Pikachu Naturally, if Ash were to begin aging then his Pokémon partner would too and that begins to raise the question of how long Pikachus live for exactly? We know that while some legendary Pokémon can seemingly live for thousands of years, normal Pokémon are mortal,as ...