参考来源:Chaoke Bu, Zhiyong Peng, Min Luo, et al. Phase I Clinical Trial of Autologous CLL1 CAR-T Therapy for Pediatric Patients with Relapsed and Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 2020 ASH Annual Meeting, Abstract #2859.
[4]和黄医药于第62届美国血液学会(ASH)年会公布HMPL-689临床数据. Retrieved Nov 05,2020, fromhttps://www.chi-med.com/sc/chi-med-highlights-hmpl-689-clinical-data-to-be-presented-at-the-62nd-ash-annual-meeting/ [5...
2. Rongli Zhang, Ying Wang, Dehui Zou, et al. Long-Term Outcomes Following Donor-Derived Anti-CD19 CAR-T Cell Therapy for B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients Relapsed after Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation. ...
It is with disappointment that we announce our decision not to hold the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, as planned, given the continuing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are pleased to announce that the meeting will be offered as a virtual experience, so plea...
Latest Data in CAR T-Cell Therapy, BiTEs The ASH annual meeting also included a variety of studies on CAR T-cell therapy, from clinical trials to real-world data. “What strikes me now is that in the CD19 CAR T-cell space, you’re getting much more robust real-world data,” Catherin...
[4]和黄医药于第62届美国血液学会(ASH)年会公布HMPL-689临床数据. Retrieved Nov 05,2020, from https://www.chi-med.com/sc/chi-med-highlights-hmpl-689-clinical-data-to-be-presented-at-the-62nd-ash-annual-meeting/ [5]【2020 ASH】亚盛医药抗耐药白血病新药HQP1351(奥瑞巴替尼)临床进展第三次入选...
The American Society of Hematology (ASH) is the world’s largest professional society serving clinicians and scientists who work to conquer blood diseases. This year the 62nd ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition – the premier conference in malignant and non-
Newswww.thelancet.com/oncology Vol 21 January 2020 272019 ASH Annual MeetingMagrolimab plus azacitidineDavid A Sallman (H Lee Mof f i tt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA) and colleagues reported the results for the expansion cohort of the ongoing phase 1b trial of magrolimab (anti-CD47) ...
参考来源:Chaoke Bu, Zhiyong Peng, Min Luo, et al. Phase I Clinical Trial of Autologous CLL1 CAR-T Therapy for Pediatric Patients with Relapsed and Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 2020 ASH Annual Meeting, Abstract #2859. 专家介绍
At the 62nd annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) 2020—which took place virtually for the first time—numerous clinical studies and research results were presented. The latest trends and exciting developments in the field of stem cell transplantation can be found in the ...