笔者这里使用的是哨兵一号(Sentinel-1)、ALOS的遥感影像和ALOS的DEM数据 下载地址为:ASF Data Search (alaska.edu) ASF(Alaska Satellite Facility) DAAC是美国国家航空航天局阿拉斯加卫星设备处用来存放数据的一个网站接口,具有Sentinel-1、ALOS、RADASAT、SEASAT等雷达遥感数据 1.1 下载遥感影像 笔者这里下载的是包含...
which handle the complexity of SAR processing on behalf of the user. HyP3 doesn't require users to have a lot of knowledge of SAR processing before getting started; users only need to submit the input data and
which handle the complexity of SAR processing on behalf of the user. HyP3 doesn't require users to have a lot of knowledge of SAR processing before getting started; users only need to submit the input data and