Offspring is often genetically identical to or a clone of the parent Offspring is genetically unique, meaning it is genetically different from its parents Types: binary fission, budding, vegetative propagation, spore formation (sporogenesis), fragmentation, parthenogenesis, and apomixis Types: syngamy an...
The wordasexualcombines the prefixa-, meaning “not” or “without,” andsexual, referring tosex.Asexualis first recorded in the late 1700s, originally used in biology to refer to organisms, especially plants, that had no sex organs.
Looking for online definition of asexual reproduction in the Medical Dictionary? asexual reproduction explanation free. What is asexual reproduction? Meaning of asexual reproduction medical term. What does asexual reproduction mean?
Sexual reproduction in sponges is possible because sponges are hermaphrodites, meaning one sponge can make both sperm and eggs, although usually not at the same time. Sponges do not fertilize their own eggs, however, but instead the eggs of other sponges of the same species. This interchange ...
nounBiology. reproduction, as budding, fission, or spore formation, not involving the union of gametes. Compare Meanings sexual vs. asexual reproductionasexual reproduction vs. sexual reproduction Click for a side-by-side comparison of meanings. Use the word comparison feature to learn the differences...
This happens because they have pentaradial symmetry, meaning that all five sides of the echinoderms body are symmetrical. There have even been cases of entire colonies of sea stars reproducing entirely asexually. The colony of sea stars simply shed arms and reproduces copies of themselves. By ...
An essential piece of information to note is that fungi, unlike many species of plants and animals, have haploid-dominant lives, meaning that the cells on the fungi have only one set of chromosomes. Most plants and animals have diploid-dominant lives, which means they have two sets of chromo...
: An egg is a sex cell, which are haploid, meaning that they have half the number of chromosomes. Doubling the number gives the body cell count. What is a karyotype? A visual representation of ones genetic set Meiosis II Qualities End result is 4 daughter cells with one copy of half ...
1650s, "distinctive of either sex, of or pertaining to the fact of being male or female," from Late Latinsexualis"relating to sex," from Latinsexus"a sex, state of being either male or female, gender" (seesex(n.)). The meaning "pertaining to copulation or generation" is from 1766,...
asexuality(n.) "condition of being asexual," 1853, originally in biology; seeasexual+-ity. asexually(adv.) "in an asexual manner, agamically," 1857; seeasexual+-ly(2). a-(3) prefix meaning "not, without," from Greeka-,an-"not" (the "alpha privative"), from PIE root*ne-"not...