The design of the software interface between ASES/MS intelligent mass spectral interpretation system and HP5971 MS ChemStation is introduced. ASES/MS system has excellent structural identification ability because of its high quality spectral data and unique interpretation algorithm. The software interface ...
Diiron species containing a cyclic PPh2NPh2diphosphine related to the [FeFe]H2ases active siteThis article is a part of a ChemComm “Hydrogen” web-based themed issue.Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental...A new dissymmetrically disubstituted diiron dithiolate species, ...
4 and 5 in ovarian adenocarcinomas c1inica1 significance of the immunohistochemica1 expression of histone deacety1ases hdacs 2Background: Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are implicated in carcinogenesis, and HDAC inhibitors (HDACis) are explored as a therapeutic tool in several tumors. The aim of...