The article presents the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Human Rights Declaration. The Heads of States or Government of ASEAN member states adopted the Declaration during the 21st ASEAN Summit held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on November 18, 2012. ASEAN member states include Brunei, ...
Universalizing Human Rights The ASEAN Way It is my argument that Asian Values is still present and can be proven by analyzing ASEAN legal texts such as the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN Human Rights Declaration and ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights Terms of Reference as... Jones,J W. ...
1.ASEAN,member states,Malaysia,Indonesia,Thailand,the Philippines,Singapore,Brunei,Vietnam,Laos,Myanmar and Cambodia. 2.Its predecessor,Southeast Asian Association established in Bangkok on July 31,1961.On August 7-8,1967 issued the"Association of Southeast Asian Nations Establishment Declaration". Dialo...
UN General Assembly. (20 December 1971). Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, A/RES/2856(XXVI). UN General Assembly. (9 December 1975). Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons, A/RES/3447 (XXX). United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific...
Vgl. ASEAN Regional Forum Dokumente 1999a: Co-Chairmen’s Summary Report of the meetings of the ARF Inter-sessional Support Group on Confidence Building Measures, Honolulu/USA 4.-6.November 1998 and Bangkok/Thailand 3.-5.March 1999, S.158. (
Framing Fires: A country-by-country analysis of forest and land fires in the ASEAN nations The largest component is the productivity losses during the declaration of a 10-day state of emergency in Sarawak. The health impacts contributed only 4.4 percent (Mohd Shahwahid & Jamal 1999). Table 9...
International: ASEAN Human Rights Declaration - Hear The Voices Of The Peoples Of ASEANIndigenousPeoplesAdmin
Doyle N, `The ASEAN human rights declaration and the implications of recent Southeast Asian initiatives in human rights institution-building and standard-setting' (2014) 63 ICLQ 67Doyle, N., `The ASEAN Human Rights Declaration and the Implications of Recent Southeast Asian Initiatives in Human ...
The article presents the statement of MARUAH regarding the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' (ASEAN) Human Rights Declaration (AHRD). MARUAH is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Singapore. It is the focal point for the Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism. MARUAH...
"An Agreement to Disagree: The ASEAN Human Rights Decla- ration and the Absence of Regional Identity in Southeast Asia." Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 33(2): 2-24.Davies, Mathew, "An Agreement to Disagree: The ASEAN Human Rights Declaration and the Absence of Regional Identity ...